
Genesis 3:10-24

Wednesday Evening OT Bible Study

March 25, 2020

"Tonight is all about consequences. Consequences that Adam could never have imagined. You see, from the beginning man has always been guilty of acting without considering what the consequences might be. We seldom think beyond the immediate temptation and, if we did, we would all save a lot of pain. Terrible, terrible pain..."

Genesis 1:1

February 5, 2020

I am NOT going to approach this book as a scientist and make a fool of myself. We all need to be careful when talking about things outside our expertise. I am going to use my area of expertise only—believing God!

Genesis 1:1-5

February 12, 2020

The first theme is that God saw it was good and, later, everything multiplied according to its kind. No room for evolution nor baseless theories about how long it took God to complete His creation.

Genesis 1:6-23

February 19, 2020

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Jesus not only created all things, He is sustaining all things.