
Order in the Church

April 21, 2024 • Dr. Carlton C. McLeod • Titus 1:5–13

Join us for a powerful sermon based on Titus 1:5-13, where we explore the critical role of leadership in the church as ordained by the Apostle Paul. Delivered during our 27th Church Anniversary and the Ordination of New CRC Governmental Elders, this message dives into the qualities and responsibilities of godly leaders who are called to uphold the principles of biblical leadership.

In this sermon, we examine the qualifications necessary for church elders, the importance of sound doctrine, and the challenges of maintaining spiritual integrity in the face of cultural and moral adversities. Learn how the apostolic blueprint for leadership not only structures the church but also safeguards the faith and fosters a community committed to holiness and truth.

Key Highlights:

- Understanding the blueprint for church leadership as established by Paul.

- The vital role of elders in combatting false teachings and guiding the congregation towards spiritual maturity.

- Insights into the personal and doctrinal integrity required for those called to lead.

Whether you are a church leader, a member of the congregation, or someone interested in the foundations of church governance, this sermon offers valuable lessons on leadership, accountability, and the unwavering commitment to the Gospel.