
James 1:19-27

"Faith and the Word"

May 19, 2019 • Bruce Zachary

The Bible is your true north compass that directs you how to live a life that is satisfying to you and glorifying to God. It reveals origins, explains what is wrong with the world, helps you navigate the challenges of this life, and prepares you to experience life with God today and through eternity. Thus, we neglect the Bible and its truth at our own peril.
The Bible is a cohesive collection of 66 books written over 1500 years by 40 authors. They agree internally and externally (e.g. archaeology), are consistent with science (except miracles), are filled with fulfilled predictive prophecy, and attested by thousands of manuscripts. Thus, it proves God inspired the writings and the Bible has not been altered by man. The skeptics’ concerns can reasonably be addressed, and the faithful can rejoice. Those who learn the word, love it and live it have discovered that that this book, by God’s Spirit gives a better life.
Today, we will discover how…

More from James

James 5:13-18

July 28, 2019 • Bruce Zachary

James, was nicknamed “camel knees” because of the callouses on his knees from countless hours of prayer. James was a man dedicated to prayer, who knew the significance of passionate prayer by a person who is yielded to Jesus. Seven times in these few verses, James refers to prayer. Let’s discover together the connection between prayer and restoration, and the benefits are likely better than you expect…

James 5:1-6

July 14, 2019 • Bruce Zachary

Your attitude about money reveals your attitude towards God. James cries out against using wealth for self-indulgence and luxury. The failure to use resources to advance God’s kingdom, relieve suffering, and honor God reveals a lack of faith and spiritual maturity. Genuine faith in Christ is revealed by attitudes that trust God, and actions that honor God with your money. Someone might have a distrust of institutions generally, or the Church specifically. If that is the case, ask questions. You’re likely to get very reasonable answers. However, don’t use a claimed distrust of institutions as a smokescreen for not trusting nor honoring God.

James 4:13-17

July 7, 2019

Every day each of us makes decisions, choices, and plans for our lives. Some are minor, like what restaurant to go to for lunch. Others are major: whom to marry, which house to buy, what job to take. Oftentimes, regardless of the scope of the decision, we neglect to consult God to determine His will. Living life without considering God’s will is choosing to be in charge of our own lives, and is essentially placing ourselves in His role. Instead, we should seek and submit to God‘s will in every circumstance, knowing that it is always best.