

Asking the Tough Questions about Faith

What About the Failures of the Church?

December 5, 2023 • Adam Derus

The church is full of hypocrites or self-righteous fanatics, and the history of the church is littered with injustices and violence. Join us as we examine the heart of God and the failures of his church—and how this is a picture of the Gospel.

How Can We Trust the Bible?

November 14, 2023 • Adam Derus

The Christian faith requires belief in the Bible, but many skeptics question the reliability of the Scriptures. Should we really build our lives around this book? Come explore as we discuss four important steps to increase our trust in the Bible.

The Problem with Exclusivity

November 7, 2023 • Adam Derus

Many people object to Jesus' exclusive claim that He is the only way to God, that there is one narrow path to the Father. But is it unfair to claim there really is only one way to heaven through Jesus? And what about those who have never heard of Jesus? 

Worship and Prayer Night

October 31, 2023

There is no recording available for this service.

How Could a Loving God Send People to Hell?

October 24, 2023 • Adam Derus

Together we approach this apparent contradiction by examining briefly the Christian teaching on death and hell, followed by seven thoughts to ponder in response to this question. A time of Q&A with Kyle, Adam, and Joel follows the message.

Christianity and Science: Friends or Enemies?

October 17, 2023 • Joel Martin

Are Christianity and Science at odds? Come see why they are not enemies, but instead friends. In fact, you need a Christian worldview to do consistent science.

Evidence for the Resurrection

October 3, 2023 • Joel Martin

if Jesus isn’t raised from the dead, all of Christianity is a fraud. How can we be convinced of such a crucial fact. Come explore the evidence for the resurrection. 

How Could a Good God Allow Suffering?

September 26, 2023 • Adam Derus

In a world full of suffering, many have questioned whether the presence of evil disproves God. Together we examine the presence of evil as an argument for God, think through why God might allow suffering, and examine God's solution to the problem of evil. A time of Q&A with Karis, Adam, and Joel follows the message.

Apologetics: How to Talk to Anyone About the Gospel

September 19, 2023 • Dr. Mark Farnham

Dr. Farnham, Professor of Apologetics at LBC, unpacks and demystifies apologetics by explaining the relationship between apologetics and evangelism, encouraging us to live pure lives while knowing what we believe and why, and ends with giving five steps to share the gospel with anybody. A time of Q&A with Dr. Mark Farnham and Adam follows the message.