
Ep. 93 Every Day | Renewing Our Minds by Memorizing Scripture with Beth Weaver

May 20, 2024

Beth Weaver’s journey with Scripture memory began when she was just a young girl. When she was in middle school, she began attending bible memory camps, and by high school she had memorized an entire book of the Bible. We know that as we get older, our brains process differently, but that hasn’t stopped Beth from finding new ways memorize. In fact, she’s memorizing more in retirement than she ever has before! Today, Beth is sharing with us the practical ways that she continues to incorporate the habit of Scripture memory into her everyday life, and how we, too, can use our unique learning styles to do the same.

Resources shared in today’s episode:

- Warriors of the Word: The Bible Memorization Battle Guide for Winning Spiritual Victories (Aaron & Emily House): https://a.co/d/eWKDaj1

- Seeds Kids Worship: https://seedskidsworship.com

- Dwell Differently: https://dwelldifferently.com

- VerseLocker: https://scripturememory.com/verselocker/home/index.php

Read the story of Beth’s mother, Marjorie Isobel Harrison Jackson: https://a.co/d/6tfs94C

Read stories from Beth’s time in Ukraine: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kcmysebpiqkz083194gjw/Ukraine-Stories.pdf?rlkey=xlrm7rv5prqdvqulcq15px21t&st=xyqo396q&dl=0

Contact Beth: beth.weaver@worldteam.org