

October 8, 2023 • Scott Messner • Matthew 5:17–48

In our series so far, Jesus has focused on the characteristics of a disciple, as outlined in the beatitudes, and emphasized the call to be influencers by living as salt and light. Today, we start exploring the defining standards of Jesus’ disciples, beginning with a life in pursuit of reconciliation.


November 19, 2023 • Beau Eckert • Matthew 7:24–29

Jesus closes His sermon the way any good sermon should end—with application. Through a metaphor not easily forgotten, Jesus tells us that hearing is not enough. To live our lives as faithful followers of Jesus, we need to hear and do.


November 12, 2023 • Scott Messner • Matthew 7:13–23

In the last several weeks of the series, Jesus has provided a blueprint for the life God desires for His followers. Today, as He nears the sermon's conclusion, Jesus challenges us to commit to the narrow path of life – through Him – and warns us to beware in discerning those who attempt to lead us astray.


November 5, 2023 • Beau Eckert • Matthew 7:1–12

Jesus helps us understand how to help others when they have issues in their lives (specks) by first looking at the issues in our own lives (logs). Doing so requires wisdom from above, so Jesus invites us to persistently ask, seek, and knock, knowing our Heavenly Father will answer.