
Ep. 88 Global Focus | Exploring God's Call with Sam

March 18, 2024

As we enter our spring Global Focus, we’ll be joined on Pursuing Life by a few of our Cross Training candidates. Cross Training is a program with four sequential tracks, designed to prepare individuals to take the gospel globally across cultures. 

The first track of Cross Training is called Explore, and its purpose is exactly as you might guess! It’s a chance for those who sense God might be calling them to cross-cultural missions to explore their interest through intentional, foundational activities.

Today’s guest, Sam, is in the beginning of his Cross Training journey, and has been working his way through the Explore track for about a year, though he’s really been exploring God’s call for his life since he became a believer in college. Since then, he has had various opportunities to develop a large array of skills that culminated into his decision to apply for Cross Training. While it took many years, many careers, and many location changes for Sam to arrive here, he is confident that no part of his journey has been wasted.

Hear from other Cross Training candidates featured on Pursuing Life: 

Ep. 76 with Katina

Ep. 70 with Kyle Matteson

Ep. 66 with Allyson, Hadassah, Melea