
Financial Wisdom and Stewardship

July 18, 2023 • Adam Derus

The Scriptures give us much wisdom regarding money because it's a huge part of our daily lives. Join us for a fast-paced bible study on financial responsibility through the lens of contentment, stewardship, and giving to help us grow our own financial stewardship.

Lead as a Servant

September 12, 2023 • Adam Derus

How do we find lasting influence in our lives? How do we become great in the kingdom of God? Jesus teaches us and models for us a simple but profound answer: Lead as a Servant.

Time Management: Do All the Good You Can

August 29, 2023 • Joel Martin

We are created for good works... a lot of them. How do we do all the good we can for the glory of God? It starts with avoiding the way of the sluggard or the idolater. It continues with practical skills and planning that help us to make the most of every opportunity. Learn what God has to say about time management.


August 22, 2023 • Joel Martin

What comes first in your world, work or rest? Which one gives you a sense of identity? What does the Bible say about rest and work? Surprisingly God primarily calls us to rest and he calls us to radical feasting and joy in him.