
Fulfilled: The Gospel According to Matthew

February 19, 2023 • Beau Eckert • Matthew 16:13—17:27

Jesus begins deliberately and methodically teaching His disciples, and us, that He must suffer, die, and rise again in order to fulfill His role as the Messiah. Our expectations of Jesus and what it means to follow Him need to line up with that reality.

Fulfilled: The Gospel According to Matthew

March 26, 2023 • Beau Eckert • Matthew 24

During the final week before the crucifixion, Jesus has triumphantly entered Jerusalem, overturned tables in the temple and had a series of conflicts with the religious leaders who were looking to trap, humiliate, and discredit Him. After declaring a series of “woes” upon them, He now leaves the temple and Jerusalem and teaches His disciples on the Mount of Olives about near and far prophetic events.

Fulfilled: The Gospel According to Matthew

March 19, 2023 • Scott Messner • Matthew 22:15—23:39

For many people in Jesus’ day, He didn’t do what they expected. People's expectations – then and now – are often the result of some form of misorientation. Today, let’s consider our propensity to drift offtrack and hear Jesus’ invitation to reorient our lives.

Fulfilled: The Gospel According to Matthew

March 12, 2023 • Adam Derus

Jesus, the humble King, enters Jerusalem and stirs up the city, leading to moments of celebration and moments of confrontation. As Jesus’ motives and mission become evident, we too must decide whether we will receive or reject the revealed King.