
Scandalous Grace

October 9, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • Hebrews 9:26–28

In Paul's writings, he referred to the message of the cross as foolishness to the Greeks (irreligious and unaware of the truth of God) and a stumbling block to the Jews (moral, religious, aware of the truth of God). The actual word for stumbling block there is our word for scandal. Paul is arguing that for Jewish people who knew about God, his righteousness, and the reality that sin must be judged, the message of the cross seemed scandalous. And now you see it. The message that someone's vile acts can be forgiven because Jesus died on the cross because someone else paid the price seems scandalous, even offensive. To others, it just seems foolish. But to those who will be saved, Paul says, it is the wisdom and power of God. If the message of the cross is true, it is good news for people who are wicked and vile, and frankly, it may be bad news for some of us.

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