
Revelation 6:9-17

Judgement Day Is Rapidly Approaching!!!

January 7, 2024 • Pastor James Kaddis • Revelation 6:9–17

The first four seals in Revelation 6 speaks vividly of man’s attempt at replacing God through the use of totalitarian governments and the effects that has on human life. The antichrist will use his totalitarian regime to bring into effect all that we eventually see in Revelation 13 with the mark of the beast and a cashless society. When we see seal 5 opened, we then get a glimpse of the suffering that came as a result of this totalitarianism but God will judge all of that and bring His vengeance. The whole world will seek to escape it but they will be unable to hide from what God has in store for them.

Revelation 19:10-14

May 26, 2024 • Pastor James Kaddis • Revelation 19:10–14

So many draw a picture of a non-confrontational Jesus that is unwilling to judge evil or call out sin. They think that being Christ-Like means being tolerant of u godliness and evil. The day is coming when the whole world will see Christ in a completely different way! Hold on, because Here Comes The Judge!!!

Revelation 19:1-10

May 19, 2024 • Pastor James Kaddis • Revelation 19:1–10

In today’s video, we’re going to discuss the portion of Revelation that speaks of what happens next in heaven after the second coming of Christ. Make no mistake, when the marriage of the lamb is come, we will all be rejoicing greatly in heaven! What a special day that will be!

Revelation 18

May 5, 2024 • Revelation 18

Today we’re going to talk about the fall of Babylon and discuss what much of that entails. Make no mistake, you don’t want to be there when this happens or anything thing that leads up to this time. What is coming is going to be ugly; very ugly! God’s judgement will be coming to a completion around this time and what remains is destruction.