
Romans 5-8

We have A NEW HOPE!!!

April 9, 2023 • Pastor James Kaddis • Romans 5—8

Not only do we have a new hope, but as a Christian, it is impossible to have victory, be more than a conquerer, or to even survive without this. Unfortunately, so many go on without it and never get to the place that God has for them. This is why the story of the resurrection is so important. We must walk with this tool or we won’t make it.

Special Easter Sunday Service

If You Want Real Power, You Can Find It Here!!!

March 31, 2024 • Pastor James Kaddis • Galatians 2:16–21

Easter Is a big deal for a lot of reasons. Anytime I focus on the resurrection of Christ, it not only encourages me, it validates everything I already know to be true. There are two significant truths that not only save me, but they transform me. The first is obvious. I have salvation because of what Christ did for me. The resurrection validates that truth and gives me all the assurance that I need to know that when my time on this earth is done, my real life begins. The resurrection also shows me that I have real power; serious power available to me. We’re talking about that power today. Hold on because what you learn will change your life!!!

Stop Looking For The Living Amongst The Dead!!!

March 31, 2024 • Pastor James Kaddis • Luke 24:1–12

Today we’ll talk about one of the most profound questions ever asked in human history. Make no mistake, if answered correctly it has the power to not just change your life, it has the power to change everything that surrounds your life - not just for you, but for the whole world! This is why.

This Is What Really Happened On April 3rd, 33AD!!!

March 29, 2024 • Pastor James Kaddis • Luke 23

The only historical item more sure than the crucifixion of Christ is His resurrection! With that said, there are so many facts that center around the crucifixion that are unknown to many. Today we’ll talk about many of those facts and what you discover will be life altering!!! Get ready for a very important video on a very critical subject!