
1 John 3:1-10

Mess Around And FIND OUT!!!

June 18, 2023 • Pastor James Kaddis • 1 John 3:1–10

What in the world does this crazy title have to do with Father’s Day? Everything! The Bible tells us about the ultimate father and the lengths to which he went to show us His love. When you choose to reject that love and live a life of self service to a bondage of sinful patterns, believe me when I say, “mess around and find out!”

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The Apostle Paul Lived His Life With This Major Distinction

June 6, 2024 • Pastor Sal Hernandez • Acts 24:1–16

Despite attacks, persecutions, and false accusations it is possible to honor God and walk in righteousness. We see this clearly displayed by the Apostle Paul. He exemplified this in a time which his life was in constant danger and yet he was able to point to his life as proof of God’s grace and goodness.

We Cannot Ignore This One Person!!!

May 12, 2024 • Pastor James Kaddis • Proverbs 31:10–31

Today we’re going to talk about one person that we should never ignore; the mothers of our world. They are a treasure to humanity and if this one thing is understood well, life will be better across the board for multiple reasons. It’s that simple.

These Two Things Are Critical, Don’t Miss Them!!!

May 9, 2024 • John 14:15–16

True life in Christ has several important characteristics, but there are two things that are extremely powerful when they are present in our Christian life: Faith and Obedience. These two attributes coupled together will be powerfully used by God to change the world around us. It is time to consider their presence in your life and to consider how God wants to work in us and through us.