
Church Family Fast

June 26, 2024
6:30 - 7:30pm
Registration is full

This year, we will be taking the 4th Wednesday of the month to fast as a church. Anyone who wants to participate can be praying and fasting throughout the day and join us for dinner as we break our fast at 6:30pm.

We'll be praying for the following:

• Young Adults Summer Retreat: Pray for the young adults attending, that the Lord would do a mighty work in their lives!

• Vacation Bible School: Pray for the K-5th grade children attending and their families, as well as the volunteers. We ask that hearts would be changed, both in the kids and their families.

• Church Property: Please continue to pray for the Lord's will to be done in our building, modulars, and the rest of our church property.

If you plan on breaking your fast with us over dinner, please sign up so we can have an accurate headcount. Thank you!