
2024 Lord of Light Women's Retreat

September 13, 11:00am - September 15, 2024 6:00pm

Hosted by Calvary Chapel Wichita

The dates are September 13-15, 2024 and the retreat center is in OK, St. Crispin Conference Center. We have rooms to accommodate a couple of rooming preferences: 2 person room ($220/person) and 4 person room ($160/person – two ladies sharing a queen bed). All rooms have two queen beds so you can select your preference for number of roommates. 

We have included bios for the mother/daughter teaching team, who will share both testimony and God's word. They will help us see how the Lord shines in dark times and is ever faithful to walk with us during life altering challenges.


Susan McClean

 Susan and her husband of 35 years, Doug, came to the Lord in their early 20’s through her mother’s battle with and death from cancer. She has seen the Lord’s faithfulness through that season, while raising her family, serving at church, and walking with her daughter, Cayley, through a life-changing health crisis. In addition to studying and teaching the Bible, she enjoys hiking and traveling with Doug, and spending time with their 5 adult children, their spouses, and her 4 grandchildren. 


Cayley Kruhm

 After a life altering diagnosis in 2020, Cayley spent the next three and a half years struggling through an onslaught of trials and suffering – really 5 medical miracles. While those years were difficult, through them Jesus showed His love, mercy, faithfulness, and miraculous power to Cayley in very tangible ways. Now He has called her to share her testimony with all who will listen so that He might be glorified and others may be encouraged. After spending 12 years in various roles in the fitness industry, Cayley became a stay-at-home mom in March of 2023. She lives in Belcamp, Maryland with her husband of 7 years, Josh, and their two sons, Calum and Samuel. In her free time, you can find Cayley spending time with family, baking, or running around her neighborhood. She and her family attend Calvary Chapel of Delta in Delta, Pennsylvania.

Once you have registered please pay by check in the offering box. All checks should be made out to Calvary Chapel Johnson County and in the memo line you can write Women's Retreat.