
Hosea 7:8-16

Cry Out To Jesus

March 7, 2023 • Pastor Bill Penna

A Future & A Hope Devos- When was the last time you prayed… really prayed and cried out to the Lord? God wants your to call from your heart. Listen in.

“Your Fruit Is Found In Me” - Hosea 13-14

March 17, 2023 • Pastor Bill Penna

A Future & A Hope Devos- Where do the good things in your life flow from? How can we bear real fruit in this world? Listen in and learn.

“Walking With God” - Hosea 11:12-12:14

March 16, 2023 • Pastor Bill Penna

A Future & A Hope Devos- How is your walk with the Lord? Do you spend much of your time comparing yourself to others? Listen in and learn.

“Let The Lion Out” - Hosea 11:1-11

March 15, 2023 • Pastor Bill Penna

A Future & A Hope Devos- How do you defend God and His Word? We’ll, how do you defend a lion? Listen in and learn.