Philippians 3:1-15 “Watch Out For…”

June 2, 2024 • Andy Falleur • Philippians 3:1–15, Galatians 5:12, Philippians 3:2, Philippians 3:17, Deuteronomy 23:18

Join us for an enlightening sermon from Pastor Andy Falleur at Calvary Chapel Fort Walton Beach. In this message, Pastor Andy guides us through Philippians 3:1-15, with a specific focus on verse 2. Exploring the theme of "joy" amidst adversity, Pastor Andy delves into Paul's powerful warnings and exhortations to the church in Philippi. Learn about the dangers Paul highlights, the significance of spiritual circumcision, and the call to rejoice in the Lord even in challenging circumstances. This sermon offers profound insights into maintaining faith, joy, and maturity in Christ. Don’t miss this impactful message!

**Key Points:**

- Understanding Philippians 3:1-15 in context

- The recurring theme of joy in Paul’s letter

- The triple warning: "Watch out for the dogs, evil workers, and mutilators of the flesh"

- Paul’s harsh language and its significance

- The concept of spiritual circumcision

- The importance of placing confidence in Christ, not the flesh

- Practical applications for modern Christians

Scriptures referenced:

1. **Philippians 3:1-15 (CSB)** - Primary passage, with focus on verse 2

2. **Philippians 3:17 (CSB)** - Join in imitating me, brothers and sisters...

3. **Philippians 3:15 (CSB)** - Therefore, let all of us who are mature think this way...

4. **Deuteronomy 23:18 (CSB)** - Term "dog" used in reference to a male temple prostitute

5. **Galatians 5:12 (CSB)** - I wish those who are disturbing you might also let themselves be mutilated!

6. **Philippians 3:2 (CSB)** - Watch out for the dogs, watch out for the evil workers, watch out for those who mutilate the flesh

#Philippians #JoyInAdversity #WatchOut #PastorAndyFalleur #CalvaryChapelFWB #ChristianSermon #Faith #BibleStudy