

Nehemiah 1:1-2:10

January 10, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Nehemiah 2:1–10, Nehemiah 1

"Taking Action" - Nehemiah 1-2:10 So we finished Ezra before the holidays, so that means we begin the book of Nehemiah now! Actually, Ezra and Nehemiah were originally connected as one book, but now they have been separated. We are just continuing with the repopulating and restoring of Jerusalem. Nehemiah is a favorite for many people, and from it there have been extracted and observed some great lessons on leadership! Those will come later as we see Nehemiah lead the work to rebuild the broken down wall around Jerusalem. Before we discuss lessons on leadership, we need to see how a person becomes a leader. In the world, and even in the church, we just expect leaders to be elected by popular vote. There is nothing wrong with that -- well, ok, there is sometimes. But tonight we will see how Nehemiah is called to action. Mother Theresa said, "Don't wait for leaders. Do it alone, person to person." There is a time when an issue or situation really stirs a person. What you do at that moment makes all the difference. Who is this "Nehemiah" guy anyway? What does he do? What is his story? So let's look into it together when you..... ....VIEW.....AND......SEE! Steve

Nehemiah 2:11-4:23

January 17, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Nehemiah 2:11—4:23

"What Does it Take to Rebuild?" - Nehemiah 2:11-4:23 So continuing in Nehemiah, we ask ourselves, "What does it take to rebuild?" As I ponder that myself, I feel that sinking feeling I felt after we had a barn fire that left our barn in a pile of ashes. To stand and look and see the charred remains and imagine the road ahead to rebuild....wooo...that's heavy! At the same time you realize that what you had was important, even essential, and you have to overcome being overwhelmed to get started. That is the next part of our history of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah arrives on site and we watch the progress as well as the problems. Wait...you didn't think it would be problem free did you? But pastor, we are not masons and we don't have to build a stone wall, so what does this have to do with us? It turns out that the "rebuild experience" is somewhat transferrable to any project. And I know that every one of us has had to rebuild a life, maybe a family, with a new foundation in the word of God. Paul would say that "the old things have passed away, behold all things are new" [2 Cor 5]. So, what does it take to rebuild a broken wall.....or life...or family? Well... ...COME...AND...SEE! Steve

Nehemiah 5-6

January 24, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Nehemiah 5—6

"Unstoppable!" - Nehemiah 5-6 And then, we open our Bibles to follow the rebuilding saga of Nehemiah, chs 5-6. As I read, I found myself in awe of him, saying to myself, "This guy is unstoppable!" In fact, the whole "Jesus movement" is the story of people so driven...so determined...that even persecution and death could not stop them. The sentiment is captured by Paul in Acts 20:24 when he says, "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." In chapter 5, the efforts could come to a halt because of disunity. In chapter 6, it is the hurdle of distraction [and even downright bullying]. But this guys seems to be an unstoppable force! What is his secret? What keeps him going? How does he stand out from others as an example? Do you wish you were stronger in faith and commitment? Then... ....VIEW.....AND......SEE! Steve

Nehemiah 7-8

January 31, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Nehemiah 7—8

"What's Next?" - Nehemiah 7-8 What is next? Have you asked yourself that question? Maybe you just need a rest from whatever was last! Or maybe, like Nehemiah, it's not time to rest just yet. The wall encircling Jerusalem has been built, and in record time thanks to the effort of the whole community. But was having a wall the end game? Could they walk away and say, "Ok, we did that. Let's take it easy."? Think about it. What in the world is a wall for, anyway? Well, in those days, it was to protect people. And as we read we will what was missing. There was a wall, but where... were.... the..... people!! Chapters 7 and 8 open the door to the rest of the book and a different kind of building project. Now they will set about building a worship community! I have to admit that this kind of building project is a lot more challenging. The stones are real people and families. How does one build a worshipful community? Where do we start? If you come tonight, you will find out where this group started. And you will find out a few more interesting things, including a very, very special Bible verse that still serves as a guide for what we do at CCFluvanna every week. Do you want to know what that is? I bet you do!! Then... ....COME.....AND......SEE! Steve

Nehemiah 9-10

February 7, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Nehemiah 9—10

"Worship that Heals" - Nehemiah 9-10 Now that Nehemiah and company, Having built the wall, they are building a worshiping community. The foundation has been laid as they listened and understood the Word of God. The mind is open, the heart is pierced, and the emotions began to flow. That was our last study. But the story doesn't end there. It is not a fairytale that says, "We read our Bible and lived happily ever after!" What happened next? What was the result? They wanted to obey what they read! Almost everything I read on these chapters in Nehemiah made a reference to revival. We see what is happening among the people who have returned to the ruins of Jerusalem. New passion and renewed commitment, even with opposition and hardship. But there is more to their worship than obedience and service. Following the Feast of Tabernacles that they celebrated, things press on in an interesting way. They kept reading and worshipping, and something else happened. Actually, two things that went hand in hand. These aspects are an important part of true revival. What happened? What does it have to do with healing? That is what we will talk about if you will... ....VIEW.....AND......SEE! Steve

Nehemiah 10-12

February 14, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Nehemiah 10—12

"We Should Renew Our Vows!" - Nehemiah 10-12 So,incredibly, God has provided such an appropriate passage in Nehemiah, because the jews in and around Jerusalem made a decision to renew their vows......with God! After recounting all the ways their "forefathers" had been unfaithful to God, and all the ways God had remained faithful to them, this group is ready for a fresh start and feel very committed to God. They drew up the papers, signed them, and made it public. Like a baptism service, with the same heart as the Jews in Nehemiah, I have seen people get "rebaptized" feeling that they had not taken their commitment to God seriously and were now in a new place. This, for them, would be communicated by getting baptized again. Not necessary, but it can be meaningful. Join me as we watch this community take these very determined steps to commit to walking with God and obeying Him in all they do. Also, you will find out why many newly-ish-weds renewed their vows in 2023. ....VIEW.....AND......SEE! Steve

Nehemiah 13

February 28, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Nehemiah 13

APOLOGIES TO OUR VIEWERS AS TO THE ABRUPT END OF THE MESSAGE. (Technical error) "Revival & Toxic Aftermath" In our last chapter of Nehemiah, I wish I had better news for you. I wish I could tell you that they had a great revival, recommitted their lives to the Lord, dedicated the wall with such joy, and lived happily ever after. Now that would be nice, but it's not the case. It turns out, having accomplished the building of the wall and helping to re-orient people back to YHWH and His word, Nehemiah headed back to Shushan and the Persian palace. After a year or two, he takes a leave of absence to see what is happening in Jerusalem and how the people are getting along. Well, in his absence, things are not going swimmingly! They have gone right back to doing the very things they said they would never do!! We will look at three toxic problems following the revival, and three solutions enacted by Nehemiah. BTW...Nehemiah is just beside himself with what he discovers! I can't say he is pulling ut his own hair.....but there is some hair pulling going on! Yes, really!  What's that all about? How can I or we avoid backsliding? Well... ...VIEW...AND...SEE! Steve