
The Goal for Every Christian

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Steve Austin • Philippians 3:7–14

"The Goal for EVERY Christian" - Philippians 3:5-14

Do you set goals for yourself?

Some of us are goal setters and some of us aren't. Some goals we set are important and some... not so much. The Apostle Paul set ONE goal for himself that not only changed the rest of his life, but ultimately allowed him to hear Christ say to him, "Well done my good and faithful servant!"

Will you hear those words from the Savior? How do we even know what God wants us to do to finish well? In Philippians 3, Paul reveals that the goal which guided his life could be the missing link that can keep many from reaching the goal of living a victorious Christian life.

In today's message, Pastor Steve Austin will explain what is "The Goal for EVERY Christian." so, let us ...

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