
Esther 9-10

January 28, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Esther 9—10

"Stronger Together" - Esther 9-10

In this message we will wrap up our study in the book of Esther. 

In chapter 9, all the things that have been anticipated are coming to pass -- the edict of annihilation written by Haman and signed by the King as well as the edict of self-defense written by Mordecai and signed by the King. The Jews will defend themselves against ethnic hatred.

What a fascinating day in history, when both parties in conflict could claim to have their actions supported by law!

We all know that when the smoke clears, the Israel Defense Forces under Mordecai and Esther surface victoriously and inaugurate a memorial celebration - Purim - that has been observed for 2500 years. In fact, Purim begins this year on the evening of March 23rd.

And what an interesting time for the Jews to commemorate Purim, as they again defend themselves and their people from the threat of those who still wish to see them annihilated. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

If God is for you, then who can be against you? But the Jews have to fight, right? What is the simple truth for enjoying the victory that God has already determined and set up? What is their role....our role...in the battle that we are sure to win? You already know the answer, but you may find it to be too simplistic! If you are not sure, then...

...COME and SEE


More from Esther

Esther 1

November 5, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • Esther 1

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Esther 2

November 12, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • Esther 2

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Esther 3

November 19, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • Esther 3

"Haman: The enemy of the Jews" - Esther 3 Chapter 3 of Esther is crucial. If you don't watch this message, you won't know what is going on in the story of Esther. But even more importantly, you won't understand what is going on in current events! We ended chapter 2 with Mordecai, a Jew in the Persian empire, serving in an official capacity and blowing the whistle on an assassination plot against Xerxes. Way to go, Mordecai! But chapter 3 starts out with some guy named Haman getting a promotion! Wait....what? But the plot thickens. There is tension between Mordecai and Haman. Big time tension. We get some clues in the story that the tension didn't start with these two guys, and we know from watching the news that it didn't end with these two guys! How much should I tip my hand in the teaser? You can always read the chapter and see what is happening. We will put the pieces together on Sunday. So I will say this: The personal tension between Haman and Mordecai escalates to genocidal proportions. To miss the backstory that we will be discussing is to miss even current references as to what is happening in the mind of Netanyahu and the Jewish people as we watch the current events unfold. Yes, Netanyahu made an "Esther connected" biblical reference in a November 3, 2023 speech that really...and I mean really...stirred people up! What was that reference? How does it connect to the history of anti-semitism? Why are the Jews in danger -- then and now? Oh my... .....VIEW and SEE! Steve