
Luke 1:5-17

December 11, 2022 • Pastor Steve Feden • Luke 1:5–17

Christmas 2022: The "Other" Miracle Baby - Luke 1:5-17

Today we step out of 1 Tim and into the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1.

The danger every year is that we are so familiar with the story that we have read and heard for so long, that we fail to notice it. Especially for preachers, you can bet that there is no new "truth nugget" to be mined from depths of the Christmas story.

However, while our sights are set on Bethlehem, Mary, Joseph, the manger, the shepherds, the angels, and of course, Jesus.......there is another miracle baby! Huh? Really?

Yes! There is another baby whose birth is miraculous and whose calling is great! Both in birth and in life he would be eclipsed by his relative, Jesus. Oh yes, the two babies are related!

Although the Bible only indicates that his family live in a city of Judah that was in the "hill country", church history place his birth in Ein Kerem. I must admit that "Bethlehem Walk" sounds a lot better than "Ein Kerem Walk", don't you think? This baby will grow up alongside of Jesus and fulfill a very significant role regarding Jesus. He was born to prepare people. He was given the task of getting people ready, you could say, for Christmas.....or really, for Christ.

Who is this baby? You probably already can guess. How did he get people ready for Jesus? You might know that as well! As I said, there are no "new nuggets", just new applications of the ancient truths. I just know that the Holy Spirit is going to use this passage in our church as we read and study.

Are you ready for Christmas? Not sure? Then....



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December 20, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • Luke 1:26–38

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