
Daniel 9:20-27

October 4, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

Having spoken to many of you about current events, I know that you are paying close attention to prophecy -- God's word about future things!

Many are curious as to how the events taking place and what we see in America fit into God's picture of the future of planet earth. We have talked about much of this over the last number of weeks in previous chapters of Daniel.

Well, Daniel 9:20-27 may just be the most important, and most debated, prophecy in the entire Bible. It is comprehensive, concise, and cryptic. It is God's answer to Daniel's prayer and it is known as Daniel's "70 Weeks Prophecy".

The interesting thing to note is that if you want to be a really astute student of current events and the BIG picture of Bible prophecy, then get your eyes off of America and onto Israel! Despite our sentiments of America's importance on the world stage, all of human history revolves around the past, present, and future of Israel -- and her king, Jesus!

What is the BIG picture? Where do you and I fit? What comes next? Good questions! You won't want to miss the study of Daniels "70 weeks prophecy". It's the key to "understanding" everything.



More from Daniel

Daniel 1

June 28, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

I have had a chance to be reading through the book and thinking about the man -- Daniel. Amazing guy. Humble, gentle, courageous, stable. He is uprooted from family and neighborhood and culture and thrust into a new life of servitude in a Godless nation, Babylon. How potentially traumatizing to a teenager! But instead of seeing bitterness, anger, depression, or indulgence, we see a young man who prospers in a remarkable way, helping to lead an empire without compromise of Godly conviction. In fact, Daniel wins the respect of four kings he serves under! Maybe Daniel's influence is even behind the pilgrimage of the Magi coming from the East and following the Star of Bethlehem! How did Daniel beat the odds? How did he thrive when others would have shriveled? Think about the difference between "conviction" and "opinion". Is there a difference? What is it? Are you a person of conviction or just opinion? How does this relate to Daniel 1? Ha! You will have to tune in to find out! VIEW AND SEE, Steve

Daniel 2:1-30

July 5, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

We find ourselves in Daniel 2:1-30. The chapter is just too long and too important to speed through. It is one of the most amazing prophetic passages in the whole Bible! The chapter starts with a very troubling dream, and by the end of the chapter Daniel and the others have been promoted and the mighty king of the mighty Babylonian empire is acknowledging Daniel's God as the true God. This is the stuff we live for! The first 30 verses give the setup, and some important observations and contrasts. We continue to see Daniel shine in the middle of crisis after crisis. In an identity crisis -- Daniel holds to his convictions. The crisis now is a matter of life and death! Is Daniel freaking out? How does the world system operate to produce the crisis? How does Daniel respond to the crisis? As for the specific content of the dream and the meaning of http://it...well...you will have to watch the next message. It is worth it! Amazing. Steve

Daniel 2:31-49

July 12, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

We left Daniel standing in the presence of the Nebuchadnezzar, having announced that he knows the dream and the interpretation. Can you feel the suspense? What was the dream? What does it mean? Daniel tells the king his dream and then tells him what it means. I don't want to give away too much, but I can tell you the dream is of a magnificent, giant, stratified metal statue (idol). Statues like this would be very familiar to the idol worshipers of the day. The statue gives God a way to walk Nebuchadnezzar through the history of world dominating empires from their current time in history on into the future. There is a succession of "kingdoms" (empires) that all meet a common end as the statue ends up being hit by something like a meteor -- a stone cut out without human involvement -- which utterly destroys it! I know that you know we live in strange times. Many have a sense that things are not getting better, but getting worse. We also have a sense that things cannot go on like they are. Where does it end? What happens next? Trust me when I say you will not want to miss the next installment of our study in Daniel! Steve