
1 Peter 2:1-2 - Communion Sunday - December 31, 2023

December 31, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • 1 Peter 2:1–2

"A Growth Year?" - 1 Peter 2:1-2

I wonder how many of you still live in the house where you raised your kids. If you do, it's likely that somewhere on a wall or door jamb there is a series of pencil marks with names and dates. Or maybe you painted over such a thing when you had to prep your house to sell. True?

Why do we track our children's growth? Is it for us, or for them, or both? They grow up so fast, and in some stages it almost defies the laws of nature! A newborn baby's weight doubles in the first 6 months!

Living things grow, and growth is, by definition, change. If you are afraid of change, you will never grow. You will become well acquainted with stagnation. Dead things don't grow.

What if you had a place in your bedroom where you could mark your spiritual growth like you marked your children's physical growth? Uh oh.....would you need to see the spiritual pediatrician? Have you been experiencing a failure to thrive?

In the context of Communion, we will get a brief but valuable lesson from Peter -- and a little help from newborn babies -- about growing......spiritually.

How are the marks on your spiritual growth wall? Would anyone who knows you say, "Wow, you have really grown since the last time I saw you!" Would you like 2024 to be a period of spiritual growth?

I want to grow. I need to grow. But I don't know how!!! What's missing? Why have I been stagnant? The Apostle Peter wants to help you, but you have to...

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