
Ephesians 5:15-21

March 3, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

Watch Your Step! - Ephesians 5:15-21

There are times when it is very important to watch your step. Mine fields might come immediately to the military mind. Farmers may think, "the cow pasture!" What are the occasions when you might be a little more careful where you place your feet?

I happen to love the circus. The acrobats are usually my favorite, but the tight rope walker serves my purposes here. Do you remember the guy who walked a high wire stretched across Niagara Falls? I would NOT walk across anything with the word "falls" in it - just saying.

Check out the picture above. Do you think he will hurry across that wire? How careful is he going to be with each step? Will he allow himself to be distracted? What if you offered him some alcohol or drugs right before his attempt? Would he accept them?

"Ok pastor, I'm on the hook!" What does this have to do with Ephesians 5? You know I am not going to tell you! But I will tell you this -- God is for you and has given you everything you need to live beautifully, Godly, and wisely in this present age. Like warnings of a loving parent -- Father, Son, and Spirit want us to experience the life of love, joy, and peace that are connected to truth and light.

What's the connection to the high wire.......?

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