
Job 20-22

May 29, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Job 20—22

"Letting God out of the 'Box'" - Job 20-22

Did you think I forgot about you? Of course not. Today was moving truck day for Helga's mom, so I have "boxes" on my mind. Moving boxes, and theological boxes!

As we finish round two, and [Lord willing] move into round three of the dialogue between Job and his friends, we will hear from Zophar, Job, and then Eliphaz for a third time.

I don't know about you, but I am so glad that when I was a young Christian, I was too naive to know what God was not supposed to be able to do! We were enjoying the Lord, embracing His Word, and watching Him do what people doubted could or would happen.

I remember someone asking me as CCF was just getting started, "Can you start a church?" To which I replied, "I don't know, but we feel God moving us that way!" That along with countless other times when people said, "God won't do that....". I am so glad I never listened.

Job's friends were stuck in a theological box. They put the "logical" in "theological". The only reason people suffer is as punishment for their wickedness. They were blinded by the need to fit God, and Job, into their comfy little "here's how we explain suffering" box.

The problem was that their theology didn't match up with real life! Job is able to challenge that box and at least say, "I am pretty sure God let's the wicked prosper. And I am really, really sure the righteous suffer!"

Is there a theological box that you have stuffed God in? Are there areas of blindness to what God really wants to do, but you are limited by your concept of God? If you think, maybe, its possible.....then....



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