
Job 15-17

May 15, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Job 15—17

"Miserable Comforters" - Job 15-17

After a long break we will rejoin the dramatic dialogue in the book of Job, chapters 15-17.

With chapter 15, we begin round 2 of the discussions. Eliphaz was the first to open his mouth to speak, with Bildad and Zophar following. Job has responded each time.

The intensity continues to build as we are now back tp Eliphaz again. He has no new argument, but just restates the old argument with new zeal. Job's words of innocence just show how far he really is from God. "Bad things happen to bad people, Job. We all know that."

Job responds with the pain of recognizing that his friends are "miserable comforters". Are you good at comforting people in distress? Or are you a "tough love" person. Is comfort just for weak people? How does our Heavenly Father feel about comforting His own children?

The overview is here, but if you want the "blow by blow", then....



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