
Ephesians 5:25-33

April 25, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

The section we will dive into describes the way God intended husbands to relate to their wives.

It was not really surprising that Paul encouraged the wives in their supportive and yielded role with respect to their husbands. The ancient world was male dominated and women had a very low place, much like we see in world cultures not influenced by Christianity.

It is Paul's instruction to husbands that is completely counter cultural. Paul will give men a new and appropriate way of seeing their wives. Not as slaves, or inferior, or disposable, but as a part of their husbands! Talk about women's equality! Wherever Christ is preached, the value and treatment of women is improved as marriage is viewed from heaven's perspective, and not man's. Whoever said the Apostle Paul is chauvinistic never read the Bible!

The relation between husband and wife is much more than just a human experience. What else is it about? What is at stake?

…..View and see!


Video segment shown is by Jason Headley. Direct Link: https://youtu.be/-4EDhdAHrOg

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