
Ezra 9-10

December 13, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • Ezra 9, Ezra 10

The Experience We Call "Conviction" - Ezra 9-10

If I ask you, "Have you ever been convicted," your thoughts immediately go to a courtroom scenario. "Pastor, I was arrested and accused, but never actually convicted." That is not the kind of conviction I am speaking about.

Have you ever had the nagging experience of feeling like something you are doing is wrong? Maybe someone pointed out something. Maybe you had fallen into a lifestyle, habit, or pattern, and a voice-- internal of external -- questioned it. "Should you be doing this?"

How did you respond? Did you ignore it, get defensive, or excuse yourself and your decision? I think we have all done that many times.

Ezra 9 and 10 are powerful chapters that tell the story of compromise, deep conviction, and real change by the Jews who were living back in Israel. There was one main issue that just breaks Ezra's heart and troubles him very deeply. I think there was a day when people cared more about their lives and their decisions --relative to God-- than they do today. I believe there is a general American apathy about sin. Do you agree?

How does Ezra handle this as a spiritual leader? How do the people respond? What does it take for real revival to occur? These are both powerful and challenging chapters, and you should take the time to...



More from Ezra

Ezra 1-2

November 8, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • Ezra 1, Ezra 2

"Starting Over" - Ezra 1-2 How do you feel about starting over? Depending on the situation, it can be attached to either positive or negative feelings. Personally, I like starting something new but I really dislike starting over. It means I have the first round didn't go well. I guess that is what motivates me me to be so careful with what I have! I don't like starting over, but sometimes it is a opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past. This time will be different...or will it? The Book of Ezra is one of the "Post-captivity" history books. Israel is opening a new chapter following the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple and seventy years of captivity. The prophets Haggai and Zechariah also figure into the time in history. Based on some utterly stunning biblical prophecy and the crossing of the paths of powerful men, God makes a way to open the door for the captives to go home. Granted, their home is in shambles, but it is still home nonetheless. Tonight we will discuss the introduction to Ezra [and Nehemiah] and look at the first two chapters with their history and prophecy. As we study, we will meet the pioneering people who are moved to start over, and see the challenges that are faced when we do. Have you ever needed to start over? Is the past is a mangled mess of memories and pain? Is God giving you a chance to start over and do things differently? Are you hesitant? Nervous? Uncertain? If you want to see the practical challenges to rebuilding, then...

Ezra 3-4

November 15, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • Ezra 3, Ezra 4

"Starting Over: Momentum" - Ezra 3-4 In Ezra, chapters 3 and 4, the 50,000 Jewish pioneers have made the 700-900 mile journey back to Israel, and back to their homeland. We have to appreciate the "pioneering spirit" of these initial Jews. They have left the lives they built in Babylon and, with hopes and dreams, headed back to face the past and build a future. If you want to build a future, you have to face the past. Where did they start? The former temple, Solomon's, was magnificent. The thought of trying to rebuild that is overwhelming and impossible in the given situation. Biting off more than you can chew is a recipe for.....inactivity! If you can't do the best thing, then why do anything, right? I think people get stuck in that. Tonight we will talk about starting small and setting manageable goals. Starting over requires getting over inertia. You have to get the momentum going. How did they do it? Where did they start? Well, that is not the end of the story. Despite early momentum, opposition comes and threatens continued momentum. The lessons in this section, and the lessons in our lives, have many parallels! What are they? You have to... ...VIEW AND SEE! Steve

Ezra 5-6

November 29, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • Ezra 5, Ezra 6

"What are you waiting for?!" - Ezra 5-6 We pick our "Starting Over" story back up in Ezra 5-6 after what proves to be a lengthy delay. Not the delay we experienced due to the holidays, but the sixteen year delay some suggest since the work began! The pioneering team that set off for Jerusalem had a great start. The altar had been rebuilt and the fire was burning again. But soon they faced all the expected problems -- discouragement, deception, disinformation, and delay! When you set out to build, especially to build something to honor God, you can expect opposition. Why was there such a long delay? Why had the building stopped? I love to build, but sometimes it can be so frustrating and slow. Red tape, bureaucracy, hurdles, and frustrations. Its easy to say, "Ya know what, nevermind, it's not worth the trouble. I'll just mind my own business." God bless the people who are willing to keep their hands to the plow despite rocky soil. By the end of this section they are dedicating the Second Temple! What happened? What were they waiting for? What got them going again? The bigger question is......what are YOU waiting for? Have you given up, stopped building, decided it was too hard, too much trouble? How can you get past that are find motivation to keep at it? You will know that and more if you, as always... ...VIEW AND SEE! Steve