
Easter Sunday

April 4, 2021

Resurrection! Can You Relate?

Every year, year after year, we stop to ponder and to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Pastors in pulpits all over the world recount the story of the empty tomb, while congregations respond with joyful songs and maybe an "Amen" or two! It is customary to begin with the reminder, "He IS risen"! And the congregation responds with, "He is risen, indeed"!

My fear is that for most of us, we will find the resurrection very difficult to relate to. It will be filed away in the category of "bible knowledge" and likely make it no further than that. It's great for Jesus, two thousand years ago. But me? I just can't relate. After all, have you ever been to a funeral where the person sprung back to life? Have you ever known a "real life Lazarus" -- someone who died and then came back to life? Oh, there are anecdotal stories and we devour books that make such claims, but it's just not our experience, and it's hard to relate.

Yet, we are supposed to, and expected to, relate personally to Jesus' resurrection! In fact, the entirety of our Christian experience rests on being able to personally relate to resurrection! Yes....He is risen. BUT SO AM I! "I am risen indeed"! Does that compute?

In Philippians, Paul says that everything he had acquired in life was garbage compared to a personal experience with Jesus that included His resurrection! This is important!

How can I relate? What does this have to do with me? What does this have to do with my life here... and now?

View and see!


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