"The Turning Point" - Esther 4
Esther 4 is the well known, "for such a time as this" chapter. But, trust me when I tell you that even as I have studied I have been encouraged and excited by what I am seeing and pondering in this amazing story.
The Jews in the Persian Empire are facing the genocidal edict of King Xerxes. Mordecia's refusal to bow to Haman, and Haman's disproportionate response, lead to a crucial moment in Jewish....and world....history.
Watch with me as Esther comes to grips with her own identity and role in human history. Truly, you can't make this stuff up! Watch the transformation as this moment in time becomes a turning point for an "jewish orphan-turned-queen" named Esther.
What decision does Esther face? What is at stake? What makes it a turning point for her? Why should I care? Great questions! You have to...
...VIEW and SEE.