
Hebrews 9:15-28

June 9, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Hebrews 9:15–28

"The Currency of Heaven" - Hebrews 9:15-28

If you have done any traveling overseas, you have had to ask the questions, "What currency is used there? and "Do I need to exchange any money?" If you want to do business in a foreign country, then you need the right currency.

In Italy, the currency is the Euro dollar. Before we go, we have to exchange dollars for Euros. Why? Because I could not buy a cup of coffee with $100 US dollars because that is the wrong currency. Our US Dollars are absolutely useless - or valueless - in Europe.

What is the currency of Heaven? What if someone wants to buy something from God? Does He do business in Euros or Yuan? Maybe He is into Bitcoin? I know....surely it's gold, right?

If someone wanted to pay a debt to God, could I work off my debt? Could I exchange good deeds for freedom? Many people operate with this unfortunate expectation.

But God is clear as to the currency of Heaven and what He is willing to accept for repayment of debt. It's not gold, or silver, or anything else we might see as precious or valuable. I guess the real question is, "What does God value? What does He accept as payment?"

The Hebrews 9:15-28 text will give us the answer's to these questions....and more.

If you want to know the exchange rate in Heaven, then you will need to.....

....VIEW and SEE


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