
2022 Christmas Eve Service

December 24, 2022 • Pastor Steve Feden • Luke 2:1–7

The Cost of Christmas: "Jesus" - Luke 2:1-7

Even though our calendar tells us it is Christmas, life and problems don't take a break so we can pause and relax. Indeed, times and seasons like these has had challenges of all types for lots and lots of folks.

But, isn't that sort of at the root of Jesus' entry onto planet earth after all? Think about it....time and events don't pause so he can have a smooth entry. Quite the opposite. His "full term" teenage mother has to hop on a donkey and travel 90 miles away from home. As "luck" would have it, she goes into labor at the most inconvenient time, while she is away from home. I don't know about you, but I like to be home when I am sick or hurting, not in a hotel somewhere!

When the Son of God became like humanity, there was a cost. Planet earth has its Grand Canyons, beautiful sunsets, and majestic mountains, but there is also a lot of brokenness here. What did it cost Jesus to come? Why would He do it?

Despite the cold of the season, or maybe even because of it, we will gather to hear the story and the reminder of why Jesus took on humanity. With a relatively short message, and plenty of slides to accompany, I hope to challenge you to experience Christmas from a new perspective. I hope to put you a little more in touch with just what it cost for Christmas to happen, and why we celebrate.

So, embrace the beautiful music and warm fellowship in the middle of times that are cold in more ways than one! If you are needing some hope and a new perspective, then.......



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Jesus - "For Such a Time as This!"

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • John 3

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Mary - "For Such a Time as This!" - Luke 1:26-38

December 20, 2023 • Pastor Steve Feden • Luke 1:26–38

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