
Ephesians 4:11-16

February 3, 2021 • Pastor Steve Feden

Last time our time flew by so tonight is "part 2" of what we began. Now that we know what we know about the spiritual blessings from the Father, Son, and Spirit, we are simply asked to "walk worthy" of what we have been given.

This week we will talk about growing up. The term now is "adulting", and it recognizes that there is a time to cross a threshold and start taking responsibility for more mature activities in life. Paul has this in mind for the church.

Do you realize what it takes for a human being to grow physically? Can you imagine the coordination it takes for all of your organs to function and grow together until you reach adulthood? Even your eyes have to grow from the time you are born. We see the growth on the outside, but rarely do we consider all of the internal organs that also have to grow, like the heart and lungs.

Healthy bodies grow in unity as each part contributes to the body. Unfortunately, many "members" of the church "body" feel they have nothing to contribute to the rest of the body and never take time to learn spiritually. Many are very active building worldly things, but think little of their participation in the growth of the church. This leaves Jesus' body malformed and immature. What is your role? Do you even have one? Is "ministry" only for people with seminary degrees?

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More from Ephesians

Ephesians 1:1-6

November 18, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

Ephesians has only six chapters and is not written to address a specific issue or problem among the Ephesians believers. Rather, Paul knows that in order for them to have future ability to live as children of God in the middle of Ephesian culture, they will have to gain a deeper and deeper experience of God's love! This is what he is addressing. We will dive right in and watch as the great, methodical, theological mind of the Apostle Paul is overcome with impassioned gratitude over the deep ways God has touched his -- and our -- lives! WARNING: Anyone who actually reads and believes the things we will talk about is likely to experience greater depth of transformed relationship with God and the people in your life! View and see! Steve

Ephesians 1:7-14

December 2, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

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Ephesians 1:15-23

December 9, 2020 • Pastor Steve Feden

A few years ago, Helga and I enjoyed a long bike ride with friends. We started in Munich Germany and ended in Venice, Italy. It was an epic journey for which we spent time studying maps to prepare. I don't think I need to tell you that the experience of the ride itself was the hope and the joy and the thrill. The map was useful, but could never be a substitute for the ride itself. To this point, in Ephesians 1, Paul has given us a map of healthy relationship with God. Being chosen, adopted, accepted, redeemed, forgiven, and secure have been points on that map. Great stuff, right? Yes, but it is still a map! What do I mean? Starting in verse 15, we read Paul's prayer for the believers in Ephesus. The prayer is filled with Paul's desire for these precious Jesus' followers. The gist of his prayer? I would love to tell you, but you will need to tune in. I promise it will be worth it. Just like the map is no substitute for the experience of the ride, so the study of doctrine and intellectual knowledge of God are not the end in themselves. This remarkable passage of scripture is sure to stretch your imagination (hint hint). View and see! Steve