
Job 40-42

August 14, 2024 • Pastor Steve Feden • Job 40—42

"The Gripping Conclusion" - Job 40-42

In this study, we have now arrived at the gripping conclusion of ours study in Job. We have been hopeful that Job's life and story would help us make sense out of suffering.

We have endured round after round of bad theology from Job's well meaning, but mistaken, friends. We have watched Job wrestle with these miserable comforters, their accusations, wondering what he has done to deserve what seemed like a punishment from God!

Tonight we hear a little from Job and a bit more from God before we get to "the epilogue" -- Job's life following this crisis. We meet two creatures, Behemoth and Leviathan. What in the world are they? Mythical creatures? Dinosaurs? Why does God bring them up?

Will Job's questions be answered? Does Job get vindicated? In the end, does he make sense out of his suffering? Job is profoundly effected by this whole situation, and especially what he has learned from God Himself. But in what way?

Even if you have missed the last 39 chapters, you might not want to miss this one. If you want to experience "the gripping conclusion" as we cross the "T's" and dot the "I's", and wrap up our study, then....

....Come and See....


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