The Bread of Life - John 6
November 17, 2021 • Anthony Capps • John 6
We in America have a strange relationship with bread these days. Whether you have issues with gluten, or you are doing a "carb-avoiding" diet like Atkins or Keto, many people are avoiding bread!
Granted, not all bread is created equal. Can you remember the most delicious bread you have ever eaten? For me it has to be the bread in Israel. Cooking in a bread oven by the Sea of Galilee using only a olive wood, the flatbread is out of this world! And then when you add the delicious Israeli hummus or olive oil. Oh my!!!
When is the last time you looked at the ingredient list on your loaf of bread? High fructose corn syrup? Sugar? Why does bread need those things? Bread is a simple food that has sustained life on earth. It can be made with just flour and water! If you want to spruce it up you add some salt. If you want it to rise it needs yeast! That's it!
In JOHN 6, Jesus says, "I am the bread of life". Tonight, Anthony Capps will lead the discussion on John 6. What does Jesus mean by saying "I am the bread of life?" Why should it matter to us? You really "knead" to know more about this, so stop loafing around and come out to church tonight. God is among us when we gather in His name!
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