The second portion of the Christmas message reminds us of the treasure in scriptures, of the wonder of God’s promise in granting us salvation, the wonder of the depth of His love and the wonder of His provided sacrifice for all people, all nations.
December 12, 2021 • Pastor Jack Hibbs • Luke 2:6–14
A Christmas message of the actual event, gathering and celebrating with adoration and wonder. God's infallible Word, made flesh with pinpoint accuracy. The wonder of His Word, His power, and grace!
Wonder (Part 3)
December 24, 2021 • Pastor Jack Hibbs • John 1:10–14
Joins us as Pastor Jack continues in part 3 of the Wonder series and as we celebrate the miracle of Christmas!
Wonder (Part 4)
December 26, 2021 • Pastor Jack Hibbs • 1 Timothy 3:16
The summation of the Christmas series, concluding with the final three wonders of the birth of Jesus. Building on the knowledge of His surrender, inheritance, and life that empowers us to liberty and freedom as we follow Christ.