
Combat Faith

EYES ON. EARS ON. (Part 1)

January 12, 2020 • Pastor Jack Hibbs

The opening verse of 2 Peter 2 gives us three takeaways: 1. That it was to be expected that there will be false teachers wherever Christians are found. 2. That these False Prophet/Teachers would introduce destructive errors, and the results would be effective as they would (will) leading many people
astray. 3. That they would be, will be punished for being satanic wolves among the
flock. The chapter is divinely engineered to equip us and to give us a defense
against these realities.

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Combat Faith

February 9, 2020 • Pastor Jack Hibbs

In this message, we take a deeper look at the spiritual realm. There are dark and literal powers that war against us. According to the Bible, if we have the full armor of God, these dark forces will flee from us. Take courage and stand firm, Christian, and never be found without your armor on.

Combat Faith

February 2, 2020 • Pastor Jack Hibbs

The Bible states that false teachers and false prophets will face condemnation in the End Times. Open up 2 Peter with us as we discover what God is speaking to us.

Combat Faith

September 1, 2019 • Pastor Jack Hibbs

Pastor Jack Hibbs opens up our study in 2 Peter. In this message we learn that the Christian is an instrument in the hands of God. If God is at work in your life, then you will be able to see a notable change in your life.