
Isaiah 57 vs 11-21

Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek

May 8, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • Isaiah 57:11–21

 Pride is the absolute worst disease of the spirit in all of creation.

Rather than define what pride is, it’s far more-clear to say what it is

not. It is not a spirit of service and responsibility towards God and

others. It is a spirit of service and responsibility towards self…

 Pride cannot be tolerated because it quickly becomes your god. It’s

like a drug. There is no dabbling. You touch it and it takes over. Pride

is the satanic supplement in the nature of created man that causes

every kind of evil and torment… And it’s so extremely dangerous,

you stay entirely clear of it as much as possible, because every one of

us (in our flesh) loves it…

 The only cure for it is to not fight it but to overcome it. If you fight

pride, in a way, that itself is prideful. You must ignore it, release it,

like the itch of a mosquito bite…, the moment you scratch it, it gets

worse. So, the only cure for pride is humility… To cheerfully and

joyfully submit myself to God and to others… Proverbs 16:19 says,

“Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil

with the proud.”

Isaiah Chapter 57 Verses 11 – 12

 That’s quite the challenge from God that is so healthy! All of your

works and righteousness, you doing what you think is right…, what

has it gotten it you? Where has it gotten you? I am confident that

there is no one in this room that would go to work tomorrow for

free…, or better yet, what if you had to pay your employer tomorrow

to go to work!? Your life delivers what you have invested. It’s as

simple as that and the will and want of God is for our good, for our


 Perhaps not in terms of money or resources, but I’m also not

necessarily saying not! The point is that our life and who we are will

be a direct result of the wise investments we make or the unwise

investments we make in terms of who’s righteousness we employ.

Ours, or Gods!

 And this word for profit in the Hebrew (I can’t make this up) its

“yaal!” Literally pronounced “yaw-al!” HA! God’s like, “YALL!

Come and buy without money and be greatly satisfied!!” You want to

work for no profit that’s on you, but for me, profitlessness is one of

my personal enemies!

 Do you know what is profitable? Love. Kindness. Giving someone the

benefit of the doubt. Serving the Lord. Doing for others what you can

do for them. Treating others not how you want to be treated but how

they need you to treat them. Playing the long game. Being willing to

suffer and sacrifice for some sort of desired goal or outcome…

Trusting the Lord is profitable even when I can’t see the end…

Isaiah Chapter 57 Verse 13

 How about we trust the Lord and then when I cry out to the Lord, I

call out in hope knowing He will deliver me because it is in Him I

have put my trust. Not my mental trust, like my literal action-oriented

God trusting decisions… That vibe is totally different than what we

just read when we call out to Him in our moment of trouble!

Isaiah Chapter 57 Verses 14 – 15

 God is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The Creator of all

things. Perfect, holy, just and all mighty. And He makes His company

only with those that are contrite and humble in spirit. Humble we get.


 Humility is not considering self-less than others, it’s just simply

considering self-less. What’s important to God is important to you and

anything that challenges that is muted and starved. Hated and hunted

in your heart of hearts. That’s humility. Not the thought or urge to

think differently, this is the resolution and discipline to DO differently.

That’s humility. It’s the strongest of strengths and it is the non-

negotiable of whom God blesses and approves as His people!

 But God also uses the characterization of contrite. Contrite gives an

essence of guilt. Of remorse. Of sorry. That we know we have fallen

short, we know we are saved and accepted by grace, AND we are still

sorry. Let me give you another word for contrite. Accountable…

 Here are two things that are at the tip top of the list of short order in

the world and in the church. Humility and accountability. Many are

called, few are chosen. Why? This. God makes His place with the

humble and the contrite. Not the humble alone. The humble and the

contrite… These He revives!

Isaiah Chapter 57 Verses 16 – 18

 These verses are difficult and seem out of place. God could perhaps be

talking about one who strays or He could be talking about the nation

of Israel as a whole. Either interpretation is acceptable.

Isaiah Chapter 57 Verses 19 – 21

 There is no peace for the wicked. Always searching, always grasping,

never arriving…, going from thing to thing, person to person, problem

to problem, relationship to relationship and like a self-fulfilling

prophecy, always somehow turning out the same, never finding what

they’re looking for... Like a troubled sea… It’s an indictment yes, but

its also an offering that the peace of God is held out and offered to

anyone and everyone…

 Peace is far more than the end of war. The word means completeness.

Settled on the inside. Sound in heart and mind. Safe. Content. The

word even means a friend. It is a return to the closest state of original

creation… THAT is profit! You know, war is profitable. The US

defense budget for 2024 is roughly $850B dollars. Lay those dollars

out and count without any breaks and it would take you 26 thousand

years! War is profitable… But did you know, studies have shown,

there’s very little empirical evidence of this, but studies have shown

that peace is far more profitable than war?

 Some financial brains have calculated that peace has a 6,000% return

on investment. Why? You stop paying for destruction of valuable

assets, destruction of population, destruction of earning/creating power

(casualties of war), and destruction/stifling of civil innovation. It’s an

interesting idea, the profitability of peace…

 But industries would have to change, companies would have to

change, experience in war machine design would be worth much less,

and the concentration of wealth would well…, have to be far less

concentrated…, which the supreme elite would never allow…

 But for me, for you…., hey, we will be profitable in this life, no doubt.

We have given our lives to Jesus. We have a form of godliness,

everyone of us…, few will find out that peace is multiplied millions of

times more profitable than war…, but hey…, many are called, few are


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