
What's the Big Deal About Baptism

Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek

June 9, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we read in Matthew 28 verses 18 – 20 the words of the Lord that we have come to know as “The Great Commission.” It says there in the text, “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”


In all the things that baptism is and isn’t, one that is hardly discussed is that it is part of what Jesus told us to do. Jesus told the church, told the Christian, do this…


Baptism is not necessary for salvation. Or is it? This is the fundamental argument in the church today. Honestly, we’d rather argue about it than just do it! Look at it this way. Can you be a Christian without obeying God? Interesting question, right? How about this one? Can you be a Christian without having the Holy Spirit? Now we are getting concerned…


Jesus said in Luke Chapter 6 verse 46, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and not do the things which I say?” So, can you be a Christian and not follow Jesus? I don’t know… You answer that for yourself. My answer for myself is no… Not a one of us will be perfect, but there will be an inclination, a desire and that desire WILL work its way to behaviors, to follow Jesus…, and following Jesus looks like doing what He says…


Peter said in Acts 2:38, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” People have asked me and there is a constant debate, do you have to repent to be saved? Do you have to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ to be forgiven of your sins? My answer is, “Why do you ask?”

I think we have gone so intensely into flattering ourselves with perfect knowledge that we have left simple obedience behind. Why do you ask? Are you planning to not repent? To repent simply means to turn the ship around. To agree with God. Are you saying you don’t have to do that and you can still be a Christian? Jesus told the church to baptize. Are you saying you don’t have to follow Him, obey Him to be a Christian? Still debating, I know…


How about the Holy Spirit? Can you be a Christian and not receive the gift of the Holy Spirit? If you have no intention to turn to God, no intention to follow Jesus and actually do what He has said…, you have no need for the Holy Spirit…! Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will testify of Him. His whole purpose, the work of the Holy Spirit is a life, will be to point folks to Jesus and enable them towards righteousness…


Well, someone says, all that is needed to be saved is to believe in God. I completely agree… And you’re telling me that if you have not the heart to obey God, you believe in Him? Something simply isn’t adding up…. As my beautiful, lovely wife says, “That math ain’t mathing!”


A believer is someone who hears the truth and obeys it. That’s what a believer is… You don’t determine what someone believes by what they say, agree with or even think. You determine what someone believes by what they do! Suppose I told you that there is a massive sink hole on I25 North and the entire highway is gone. You could be like, “Tell me more! Oh wow! How’d it happen?! Give me the details! That’s crazy!” And then setting out to go home and you take I25, nothing else matters…, you didn’t believe me!


The life of a believer does not look like someone who has prayed a prayer, raised their hand, asked Jesus to save them from their sins…, you can do all of that and it just not be a true conversion into Christianity. The life of a believer looks like someone who hears what Jesus says and does it. It’s just as simple as that. I’m not calling for perfection, I’m saying that the one who belongs to Jesus WILL follow Jesus.


You see, that’s when the Holy Spirit comes. The Holy Spirit has no other job than to point us continually to truth. To work in our hearts the work of truth. Changing us from the inside out to look more like Jesus and shine differently than the lostness of this world! If that is not the intention of your heart, the Holy Spirit is out of a job.


So, can you be a Christian without the Holy Spirit? Absolutely not. And the work of the Holy Spirit is to enable and to guide and to teach the believer. I don’t believe more as I grow in the Lord. I know more. Again, believing in God is simply the conclusion of my heart that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and so as He says, I do. That’s believing. Again, not perfection and not without failure but that’s where the sweetness of His love and the intimacy of His grace come in which doesn’t excuse my sin but rather even works to incorporate my failures into my own maturity…


And as I hear more truth, learn more truth, I obey more. It’s not that I believe more. I already believe. The point is that I hear it and I do it. Why? Not to believe but because I do believe. And the power to obey comes from the Holy Spirit. Peter said, “Repent (that is me coming to Christ), and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (because of) for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” I want the gift of the Holy Spirit and that is reserved only for believers and a believer does what the Lord has said… That’s a big point. Don’t miss that. You want the Holy Spirit? You want Him to fill your mind, heart and life and activate your life unto power and purpose? In accordance with the Word of God, set out to trust the Lord. That’s a BIG invitation for the Holy Spirit to work!!


So, folks say, do you have to repent to be saved? Do you have to be baptized to be saved? My internal response is, “Why do you ask?” Why not just simply obey the Word of God? Is there another issue here? Like what? Like belief! The scripture is clear. We are given the Holy Spirit for a purpose and that purpose is not for our personal empowerment or comfort but rather to glorify Jesus Christ. So, if you aren’t going to do that, why would God gift you the Holy Spirit?


I do hope all of that makes sense and illuminates perhaps not the importance of physical baptism but rather the importance of what it means! It means you are making a personal and public profession that you will obey God! That you BELIEVE! 1 Peter 3:21 says, “There is an antitype which now saves us, baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God)!” Make sense now? Does baptism save you? YES! The dunking of the flesh in the water? NO! HA! We clear now!? I certainly hope so…


Just a few more thoughts on baptism as we close. Baptism is a personal profession of connection with Jesus. It’s a part of the great commission, its an agreement to the commandment of Jesus and its even a connection to the cross. Jesus said, speaking of the cross, in Luke 12:49-50, “I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished!”


Baptism is something that is fundamentally strange to this world and in so doing we are happily and positively proclaiming, hey…I’m good with that! And certainly, as we encounter the circumstances of life and other people, as you decide to believe Jesus, to this world, that is going to look very strange!


I believe that there is more to baptism then we see with our mortal eyes. And true it is, when you accept God's ways in your life, much more than meets the eye is in store. You may be simply walking by faith but God is working all of the details together to bring you into everlasting and eternal life…and the Bible calls that…sowing in and to the spirit!


Now your spirit is alive and is conscious of God. And everything is different. Everything is made new. Your attitude, your understanding, your vision, your motivations, your purpose…things are suddenly illuminated. You begin to see things for what they really are…and you stop keeping the trash and throwing out the treasure…as your spirit now dominates the flesh. You begin tossing the trash as you fellowship with God in the spirit! None of that has to do with professing that you believe and everything of that has to do with you believing in Jesus!


I don’t know how to end this other than to say that every believer should be baptized. When? As soon as they believe. Is it a physical necessity for salvation? Definitely not. Is it something far more than that, definitely. The question isn’t do I need to be baptized. The question is, are you a believer…?



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