
1 John 3 vs 1-5

Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek

February 18, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • 1 John 3:1–5

1 John Chapter 3 Verse 1

·    The construction of this sentence is not familiar to me, perhaps it is to you. But I don’t typically use the word “bestow.” This word is intricate. It is explosive in meaning. It doesn’t just mean that God has given us His agape love. It means that God has given us His heart. The word is scandalous. It’s a word that I ask myself if I’m even worthy to handle, thinking, have I ever done something like this. This word means that God has given Himself up, disregarding entirely His private interests, and in terms of unconditional love has (and I love this part of the definition) given as much as He ever can, at all times.

·    That is how God loves you! That is how much God loves me. No matter my good days or bad. Good seasons or bad. Victories or failures. That is how much, this is what He has bestowed on us, which makes us equal to and indeed that we SHOULD be called children of God! Why does He love her that much? What does He love him that much? Oh, because they are His children…, that helps it makes sense!

·    AND, as Christians, this is our unearned merit because of Jesus, AND our task because of Jesus. This is the way we are to mature to love one another. I mean just imagine, just imagine if wives resolved and committed to this is how they will love their husbands? Husbands are so moved by respect and care that they will alter their habits and behaviors just to get more of it. Exactly why Paul said in 1 Peter 3:1, “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives.”

·    Imagine, if just alone in the home, let alone in the church, workplace or marketplace, if just in the home the husband would bestow this kind of agape on their wife? It would begin to heal every part of her… This is why Paul says in Ephesians 5:25-27, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”

·    This is not only what we enjoy in Christ void of any merit on my part but just because God is so so good, this is not only what I have received, but in order to grasp it fully, I also must grow to give as well. That’s also wrapped in this explosive word, “Bestow.” The thought that it is only fully received by the recipient when it is requested… Reached for. There’s no forcing here. And the way to request God’s love, grace, embrace, giftings, talents, power and blessings…, is yourself to lean forward in giving God’s love, grace, embrace, giftings, talents, power and blessings…

·    John says know this, think about this, ruminate, percolate and deliberate on this until you grasp it! That’s why he starts this phrase with, “Behold.” You really can’t fully go on to the next verse until you get this one…

1 John Chapter 3 Verses 2 - 3

·    John makes an assuring statement to you and to me and to anyone who has received Jesus Christ that, “Now we are children of God.” Interesting and important to note, is everyone a child of God? Well, in terms of creation, yes…, however in terms of relationship, no. Jesus in John 8:44 said to the Pharisees that were accusing and rejecting Him, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.” Wild, right!?

·    And, check this out, we are given in John 1:12-13, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name, who were born (family term), not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”

·    And so, we have a situation going on in humanity today. That some are relationally children of God and some are children of the enemy. No wonder there is conflict… And since the enemy is described in 2 Corinthians 4:4 as, “the god of this age/world,” we are in someone else’s front yard… And he wants us off his lawn!

·    But to you and to me, to those who have received Jesus and believe on His name, you can be assured that you are a child of the Most-High. One of the greatest biblical illustrations of justification, salvation by faith alone was the salvation of the thief on the cross. No baptism, no communion, no confirmation, no speaking in tongues, no mission trips, no volunteerism, no church clothes, no bent knee repetitious prayers, no good works, no memorized scriptures, no demonstrated lifestyle change! He simply received Jesus and believed on His name! We can and God wants us to be assured that by grace we have been saved, through faith, and it is of no works lest any man should profess they themselves qualify!

·    And it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. What’s that mean? Everyone of us is a work in progress and limited entirely by our flesh… So, we live and we groan and we live and we fail and we live and we succeed, rinse and repeat. Which is a tough cycle and leaves some questioning their own salvation…, BUT, your perfection is not what has made you a child of God, it’s His…

·    Interesting, do you know who can see you as the finished perfect product? God can. God’s perspective of me is far beyond my own! It was said that a block of granite was brought one day to Michealangelo. And he marveled. Just a big block of granite. He walked around it, admiring it with depth and emotion in his eyes. The courier asked him what he was doing and he replied, “Magnificent, this is David!” The courier looked amazed, bewildered, and replied, “David? This is just granite…” But Michealangelo responded, “Beautiful,” because he could see what it would become…

·    Do you know what God says when He sees you? BEAUTIFUL! 1 Corinthians 13:12 says, “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know JUST AS I ALSO AM KNOWN.” That’s mirror talk… And that truth settling within you, that you are seen and known by God and the entire host of heaven as exquisite, lovely, elegant and excellent, anyone who begins to believe that about themselves in Christ (as God would have you to do), leans more towards acting like it…, the purifying affect…

1 John Chapter 3 Verses 4 – 5

·    Ok, I want to give you what I believe is so very helpful in terms of understanding of sin in what John has written. He calls sin, “lawlessness.” Now, lawlessness is not freedom. It sounds like it and our nature leans towards that thought as well. But that thought is an error.

·    James 1:15 says that sin brings forth death. And John says that sin is lawlessness. Listen, you almost have to take this by wisdom and by faith, lawlessness brings forth death if it is sin. Therefore, to desire lawlessness is not to desire freedom but rather to be deceived into desiring subjugation. It’s like a kite soaring in the heights of the sky on a breezy day. Majestic, fun, awesome as you hold it tight against the wind with the string. Not controlling it, just enabling it to soar. Then you cut the line, give it freedom... It immediately loses everything and is doomed to hit the ground.

·    Ephesians 4:14 Paul warns us against being tossed in the wind… David said in Psalm 19:7-11, “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statues of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold. Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover, by them Your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward.”

·    You have to take this on faith unless you’ve endured the hardship of striving against your flesh and had it paid off, then you’ve learned it by experience… Lawlessness brings the opposite of freedom. Obeying the Lord and trusting in Him and even living unto Jesus, this is what brings freedom into a heart, mind and life. And it looks like discipline… You must understand, subjugation doesn’t start out feeling like prison. Lawlessness, sin, (Hebrews 11:25) is pleasurable for a season but the end of it is control, constraint, limitation, incarceration and repression. AND you must understand that freedom doesn’t start out feeling like pleasure and prosperity. Freedom is sacrificial, hard, arduous and afflictive for a season…, honestly freedom starts out rather awful, but the end of it is liberty, opportunity, unrestraint and open doors.

·    Sin when it is fully grown, brings forth death and confinement; and discipline when it is fully grown, brings forth life and freedom! Galatians 5:1, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage…”

More from 1 John

1 John 5 vs 1-5

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • 1 John 5:1–5

1 John Chapter 5 Verse 1 ·    John somewhat levels the playing field here after talking so much about love being the physical, observable consequence of salvation by saying that simply loving each other doesn’t save anyone. What saves someone is being born of God and being born of God is believing in Jesus. The Bible is very clear… ·    Everyone is born. Raise your hand if you were born! HA! Right!? And, in order to be forgiven of all sin and inherit eternal life, everyone must be born again. Born of water, born of the Spirit or as John puts it here, born of God. ·    There’s no room for argument here as some who claim to be of God even today mock the term born-again. That’s simply nonsensical as Jesus was very clear in John Chapter 3 verses 5 – 7, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’” So, this church and every other protestant church…, we aren’t born-agains…, we are Jesus believing, Jesus obeying, Bible reading…, CHRISTIANS! ·    Are you born again? Simple process John lays out for us in verse one. Check the pattern…, believe, born, love… BOOM! Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came and paid for the sins of the world? Yes? You are born of God! ·    Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16 verses 15 – 17, “Peter, who do you say that I am? Simon Peter answered and said, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.’” Born of God! Then…, agape/love. It’s agape time!! Believe, born, love! That’s the simple pattern of all heaven humans! 1 John Chapter 5 Verses 2 – 3 ·    What are the commandments of God? Yes, there are 10 big ones! That’s true. AND Paul told us in Galatians 5 that when love is in the mix, law mutes. It rests. Its overly satisfied! Precisely why Jesus said hang all the law and the prophets (Matthew 22:40) on these two commandments, love God and love others. ·    And there’s this revelation that leads us into the next verse set that God’s commandments aren’t burdensome. Legalistic religious living, that’s burdensome. Love God, put Him first, and serve others…, I am my brother’s keeper…, not burdensome at all…, IF IF IF IF IF the Spirit of God is the Captain of your corazon (heart)! ·    Remember, God IS love. And so, if you are FILLED with the Holy Spirit and you walk in criticality of others, disdain of others, dislike of others…, there’s a war going on inside of you! You will be peaceless! Burdened! BUT, if you are a Christian, isn’t it hard for you to kick against the goads!? Yes, they’re incessantly stupid but my calling is not to remind them of that but to relieve them of that! Relieve folks of their stupidity! HA! Now there’s a definition of love!!! ·    SO, you decide to get in line with the heart of Jesus. You decide to get in line with the heart of God who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…, and in so doing, the peace of God that surpasses understanding enters in and the Bible says (Philippians 4:7) guards your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus! That word for guard means “military protection!” Yes, the moment you love someone that is not being lovable, it will sting… but that one moment will be followed by multiplied moments of merriment in your heart of hearts! ·    And maybe, just maybe, you begin to learn that overcoming the world isn’t necessarily having heavenly seconds but rather heavenly minutes, hours and days! Sacrificing the seconds for the seasons…, playing the long game…, precisely what Jesus did on the cross. 1 John Chapter 5 Verses 4 – 5 ·    Overcoming and being victorious is not a feeling. So many feel like the world is kicking their ever-loving keister and in that they are stumbling and suffering. Brother, the world is going to kick your ever-loving keister. We overcome and are overcomers because we keep getting back up like we never got kicked! That’s the victory! ·    John 15:18-20, “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.” ·    Folks, I hear this all the time, my marriage is so hard, my job is so hard, my kids are so lame, my car is so squeaky, my flesh is so filled with temptations, when will I overcome!? What has any of that to do with overcoming! Jesus was destroyed by this world…, then He got up! Overcoming is being slammed over and over and over again and yet YOU KEEP COMING. YOU ARE OVERCOMING!!!! ·    So, what is it that overcomers display, flex, have and activate? It’s not worldy success or the perfect job, or the perfect marriage or the perfect mature this or that or I’m finally free of this temptation…, not at all! It’s faith! Trusting God through the thing. If you aren’t tempted then you have no shot at being faithful! And now we have the complete picture from John. Believe, born, love, FAITH…., rinse and repeat until Goliath FALLS, until Jericho FALLS, until Pharoah FALLS! And here’s the encouragement. Its not when they are defeated that they fall. That’s Jesus’ job when He does His thing on the last day. Its when you never stop coming…, that’s when every weapon formed against you does not prosper!! ·    Check this out. Proverbs 24:16, “For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity.” That word calamity means overcome by grief! So, where’s the victory? Faith! Over and over but you still keep coming! Believe, born, love, faith > rinse and repeat!

1 John 4 vs 17-21

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • 1 John 4:17–21

1 John Chapter 4 Verse 17 ·    So as He is, so are we in the eyes of the Father. Completely true, isn’t it? That because of what Jesus has done for me, stood in my place and paid the price for my sin, I now stand in his place, I am now a son of God, made perfect in the eyes of God, forgiven of my sin. Entirely true. And I think that’s just great! As thankful as I am for that today, when I meet my Maker, I will be far more thankful!! And, that’s interestingly not what John said here. He said, so as He is, so are we (supposed to be) in this world. Check this out, I want to be like Jesus before the Father, but I don’t want to be like Jesus before my brother? I am a hypocrite! Doesn’t make sense…. Sort of a wake-up call! ·    This whole verse is an incredibly important verse! Hebrews 9:27 says, “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” For the one that has rejected Jesus Christ, that judgment is unto condemnation, that is the consequence, the outcome, of presenting sin to God when it is your time. It wasn’t dealt with, the sin, my debt of righteousness remains, and so there remains no other option but to repay the debt yourself… ·    For the one that has received the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the payment for their own debt of sin, there is a judgment that awaits that person as well however that is a judgment unto eternal rewards and eternal identity. Who you will be and what will be your role in the coming Kingdom of God. Your sin was dealt with 2,000 years ago, no sin to present in the presence of God… ·    We see this in John 5:24, 28-29, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.” ·    So, for you, (this question for you has nothing to do with me, and this question for me has nothing to do with you), for you, when the day comes as it will come for all, Jesus accepters and Jesus rejecters alike, when the day comes for you to stand in judgment face to face with God, what will be your confidence? ·    John uses the word boldness. It means wide-openness. Complete voluntary and comfortable transparency. Free and fearless and full of assurance… You arrive at the moment where you are to be judged by God and you are like YESSSSS! I’ve been waiting for this!!!! ·    To be quite clear, that is the highest goal. Forget the money you made in life, the position you achieved, the successful business, the solid marriage, the faithful ministry, the fruitful investments…, this is the most important goal and its one that so few are living for… Isn’t that nutso!?!? ·    And oh my my my my MY! John, tell me, Lord show me, God teach me, what is it, what’s the strategy, what’s the vision, mission, goals, and values, what is the method, procedure, policy and program for having this greatest day of excitement, this most important day in all my existence, this boldness and confidence when I stand in my own eternal judgment? ·    Perfect attendance at church? Memorization of the Bible? Strict legalistic living in accordance with the Word of God? A life of serving in the church? Should I be sure to drink my Ovaltine!? HA! NO! Revelation! The mission, vision, strategy, values to achieve the highest goal… Its. All. Love… Agape. The one thing this world lacks the most, needs the most, understands the least! To love and to serve those that are living, doing, saying and thinking not how I want them to! Deploying care and light and love into the world, one way, because as He is, so are we in this world… ·    When you are loving and caring for someone who is living and doing and saying things you yourself would never say! In fact, what they are doing is horrific to you personally and yet you are willing to lay down your life for them…, your rights, your emotions, your own convictions, to love them…, at that moment you are more like Jesus than you could be in any other scenario! ·    And when I show up face to face with Jesus, we won’t first talk about all the things, we will talk about love. And honestly, I’m saying this for me and this has nothing to do with you, honestly, I cannot wait for that moment! I am SO excited for that moment! Emotions aside, affections aside, to love through being used or rejected or hated or misunderstood or taken for granted, I fortunately and unfortunately am well acquainted… And I will be more acquainted the more God allows me to live because I am living for that goal. ·    Not saying I’ve been perfect in this… Certainly haven’t. But this is between Him and I…, and God sees it all, and nothing is lost, He knows… And because He knows, I cannot wait for the day when the accounting is called due and I have what I have to offer Him! Boldness!!!!! ·    Jesus, you forgave my sin and so I approach you without fear… That’s the next verse…, AND the more I was able to learn agape, the more I applied it and it was horrible….! HA! But it was for You. And it was because of the horrible you endured for Me…. That’s how its going to go and I can’t wait for that moment!! How about you? 1 John Chapter 4 Verses 18 – 19 ·    Receiving and registering what has been done for you in Jesus Christ erases the fear of standing face to face with God the Father. In other places in scripture, we are told to fear God but that is an entirely different fear. That is reverence, respect, dignification toward God that He is God and I am not! And we know that because John describes this fear in 1 John 4 as involving torment. This is fear that invites and incites hopelessness… ·    So, because of what Jesus has done, accepting that, understanding that, grasping that, I know that I am going to stand in front of God justified by the blood of Jesus. Just as if I’d never sinned… AND, this is also a present fear of understanding that God loves me…, so I can rest in hope about tomorrow, even when the season is rough. ·    Check this out, God corrects, chastens, disciplines those that are His children. And that discipline isn’t pleasant (you’ll find all of this in the book of Hebrews), but knowing that His love for me is perfect, fear fails… God, I trust you because You love me! And His integrity and promises comfort me… ·    And the completing, John uses the word perfecting, of that love in us, this boldness in us is when we do stop and realize that we love the Lord for all that He is and all that He is done and what He has done for us and yet there’s an epiphany that rolls in…, the only reason I even love Him is because He initiated it all… What manner of amazing grace, stunning love is this!? And a settling takes place… Because God’s love for me predates my faithfulness, my obedience, my religion! 1 John Chapter 4 Verses 20 – 21 ·    It certainly isn’t what we say, is it? Its what I do that expresses the reality of my experience. In Luke 18 the rich young ruler (everything going for him) came to Jesus and yet he went away sorrowful and he himself was lacking in his heart of hearts, why? Because it came down to he didn’t love others… Or maybe that’s not fair, maybe he did love others, he just loved what he had more… ·    And so, this thing about love isn’t just a commandment for religious purposes…, to please and appease God…, all of the commandments of God (of which this one is primary) is truly to set us free, to complete us and to prepare us for the most important day in all of our lives…, when we pass from this very very very temporary very difficult very unfair very fallen ridiculous version of reality into life that is eternally what it will be… 

1 John 4 vs 12-16

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • 1 John 4:12–16

 The entire reason for human creation is to deploy love into the world. This is why you and I are here… to do this one thing. To love God and to love others. When you step into that/your purpose, your heart of hearts illuminates with life. Galatians 5:22-25, “The fruit of the Spirit is love.” And from love, deploying this love of God into the world through your life, your choice, not an emotion but an action, a disciplined decision, through love comes, “joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is not law.” Why? Because this is actually the eternal purpose of life! “And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires,” so lust has taken a back- seat to love, “If we live in the Spirit,” revelation that is where life is…, living in the Spirit, “let us also walk in the Spirit…”  Verse 9 of 1 John 4, defines love for us. Every heart on every chocolate wrapper, movie label, fashion article, none of those things are love…, they are all something else… We use the word lust as lust is desire for someone or something else and in the terms of relationship, it is entirely reciprocal. I love you because you love me. I serve you because you make me happy. Make me feel a certain way. I want you, I need you, I yearn for you…, all of that the world calls love and its not. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, its just self-centered…, its not love.  Love was painted for us that while we were yet against God, Christ died for us. Verse 10 says, “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and (action) sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” Propitiation is a big word but it essentially means that while we were without, Jesus went and gained us favor in the righteousness and holiness of God. Propitiation explains that I did not win the heart of God, but the Jesus won the heart of God for man!  Another big word used in some scholarly circles is expiation. Same thought, that while we were yet terrible (not you, not me specifically, creation as a whole), God Himself made atonement for all of the wrongs ever committed… It means literally that Jesus has “robbed all sin of their validities and significance!”  So, love was painted. It was defined. Love is not to demand that you affirm me. Love is not to take something from you so that I can have something. Love is not to reciprocate affection. Love is to care for another when they care nothing about you… The world knows nothing of this love, and that is why Jesus has filled you with His Spirit so that you and I can deploy this kind of love into this dark and tortured world. And remember, when you decide to do this, this is when you take all of the control back of and over yourself from the world, the enemy and the flesh (exiting the law of reciprocal affection – because with the life in the spirit, there is no law, only freedom)! 1 John Chapter 4 Verses 12  Is that right? What about Moses who saw God face to face? Exodus 33:11 says, “So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” What about Jacob who saw God? Genesis 32 tells us that Jacob wrestled with God, like physical wrestling match, all night until the breaking of day. What about Job who said in Job 42:5, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You?” There are others as well including Elijah, Gideon, Manoah and his wife (the parents of Samson). So, what’s going on here…? Because it is clear in 1 John and in Exodus 33:20 God says Himself, “No man shall see Me, and live.”  First of all, why? I could preach for the next 5 hours and not be able to do anything more than this next statement in terms of explanation. God is infinite. The human eyeball is flesh and it is finite. God, Yahweh, is spirit and He is infinite. My eye could no more contain the vision of God than a thimble could contain the oceans… God’s glory is so beyond all things that simply looking upon Him would melt me in my moccasins! And, all these folks in the Bible saw God…, what’s going on?  John tells us the answer… John 1:18, “No one has seen God at any time,” written after Moses, Gideon, Elijah…, “The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.” That word means “interpreted.” Colossians 1:15 says of Jesus, “He is the image of the invisible God.” And so, who did Moses speak with? God? Yes… the preincarnate Person of Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Triune God. You see, the Bible, if you can’t perceive the triune fact of the Almighty God, the Bible really itself falls apart. To be a biblical Christian you must be a trinitarian because no one can see God and live and yet we see Jesus who was from the beginning, was God AND was with God, and interpreted all things, revealed all things about God when He stepped into His own creation.  AND, there’s a dig here from John. This in context is a defense against false teachers. Yea the bible says this, yea Paul says that, but I HAVE SEEN God…, and so I have the real story. Wolf. That person is trying to make you follow them…, where as someone pointing you to the Word of God is pointing you to Jesus. 1 John Chapter 4 Verse 12 (Again)  In context, these two sentences together, this is what we just read. The world is to see God in and through how we love one another. The single purpose for my life at its simplest signification is to deploy love into this fallen and loveless world. Love is our greatest commandment and also it is each of ours and everyone’s greatest need. And ALL sin is a result of me not loving God or me not knowing that I am loved by God. 1 John Chapter 4 Verse 13  A couple of things here. John uses the phrase “we know” over and over again in his letters. We are to know that we have eternal life. Settled, secured, absolute. Many groups and religions out there and even Christians, ask them if they are going to heaven, and the response you get is, “I hope so.” Stop hoping. Read your Bible. Know…  And one of the ways to know that you are truly saved is that you have a heart, a desire and hopefully mature into actions this act of loving one another. Fulfilling your purpose in life. What you were created to do…  John says that loving one another, he links it to being filled with the Holy Spirit…, which is having God Himself abiding in you… 1 John Chapter 4 Verses 14 – 16  Just for a moment, lets talk about the Holy Spirit. Is the Holy Spirit a He or is He an it? A force or a Person? As you study and learn and observe what we can know from the Bible about the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to conclude anything other than the Holy Spirit is not a force but must be a He. Why? Because He exhibits the characteristics of a Person.  The Holy Spirit Himself speaks. 1 Timothy 4:1, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.” Hebrews 3:7, “Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you will hear His voice…” The Holy Spirit can be lied to. Acts 5:3, Peter says to Ananias, “Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit experiences personal grief as we read in Ephesians 4:30, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” He speaks, He acts, He works, He reveals, He teaches, He convicts, He helps, He gives, none of those things describe a force or an it… AND, countless scriptures cast Him equal in all ways to the Father and to the Son….  Just one example, back to Acts 5:3-4, “But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.””  So, is the Holy Spirit a Person? Absolutely. And John says that God has given us of His Spirit and that Spirit is love and he who abides in love abides in God. Abide means mixed, we are both on the title to the house, it’s a done deal. So, as we close, one more thought? Can a Christian be possessed? Absolutely! Possessed by the Spirit of God! In fact, that’s what the Bible says being Christian even IS! And just think what a demon possessed person, how they act…, how much more a Christian possessed by the Spirit of God Himself!? John’s entire point!  So, look at your heart. Survey your life. Check your attitude. Are you possessed!? HA! This is the only real proof of being born again, saved, a citizen of heaven. Are you deploying love straight from God, through you, into the world. Satan knows the bible better than any educated human ever. He has spoken to God, been in the presence of God, believes in Jesus and even must obey Him. And yet hell is where he belongs. Love is to care for another when they care nothing for you… That is to be possessed by God, filled with the Holy Spirit, both of y’all on the title…