
Philippians 1 vs 27

Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek 2023

August 20, 2023 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • Philippians 1:27

Philippians Chapter 1 Verse 27

·    It’s actually an unfortunate translation in my opinion that gives us the word “conduct.” I remember getting report cards. Remember those? I know we still get them but now they are on paper or on the computer but 30 or 40 years ago they were on heavy card stock. Remember them? Like they carried weight! HA! Maybe that was just my perspective…

·    And I remember, “English, Math, PE,” (always my highest grade), and then at the end we were graded on “Conduct.” Folks would probably melt today to be judged in such a harsh way! HA! But that’s what I think about when I see that word. Like a grading on how I’m behaving and that’s not what this word is at all…

·    The word in the Greek is “politeuomai.” It most literally means, “your citizenship,” and perhaps most sophistically means, “your life conversation.” It’s from where we derive our words “political, politics, polity, policy, and public.” In other words, I think a better translation, that in me solicits a more meaningful response, is “Only let your citizenship, Whom and where you represent, your life conversation, your flavor and your legacy, be worthy of the gospel of Christ.”

·    Tell me to clean up my conduct or watch my conduct and not only is that ultra-shallow but something in me drops that directive very quickly. But question my citizenship? Where I’m from. Who I am. Entirely different directive, and maybe that only makes sense to me or just a few of you, but I would hope not.

·    Where are you from is an important tribal-type code for us humans. We wear college jerseys; we identify with our originations… We rep our cities and we feel a part of places. Some have accents. Maybe not the place you live today, maybe the place you grew up in. Maybe that place you left but it never left you. As a Christian, and Paul knows this, repeats this several times, we are citizens of heaven and Jesus is our King. Abraham knew this. Had everything. All sort of land ownership and was very rich and yet we read in Hebrews 11:10, “He waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.”

·    Jesus said in John 14:1-4, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” One of the most comforting phrases for a wandering soul such as myself, “A place for you…”

·    Do you sense and feel and identify with this concept that you are a citizen of heaven…,on earth with a work permit? Ha! Or are you so tied to the temporary that your allegiances lie on this planet or with this state or with this political party or with this church movement or even just with THIS life? No problem being a part of any of those things, but the Christian, you’re something more, much more.

·    Paul reminds them there at the church in Philippi who had a couple of members that frankly weren’t conducting themselves appropriately (we’ll find that out later in this letter), that we ought to remember whom and where we represent to this foreign world…, and he calls this citizenship according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

·    What’s that all about? You didn’t buy into this community. Pay a fee to be part of this society. You didn’t earn it and certainly were not worthy. In fact, you were in the slums, limited, poor, stuck…, but God so loved you that He sent for you, and through His own personal and eternal sacrifice, well, He adopted you as His own son, His own daughter through the laying down of His own life.

·    Adoption is special. Kids are typically born to us. We can’t pick ‘em. We sorta get what we get. HA! Not adoption. If you are adopted today then you’re something special because someone looked at you and chose you… this is what God has done for me and for you. That’s how we gained our citizenship. And there is a celebratory humbling that comes along with that realization…

·    So, our life conversation, our flavor, our legacy, as a Christian, we must have it reflect our citizenship, where we are from (Holy Spirit now within us) and where we are going…, and that reflection should have the flavor of why as well. Not because we are worthy or good or better or smarter, but because God in His mercy has granted us forgiveness and grace through Jesus Christ.

·    Ok, so what does that look like practically? I’m glad you asked…

Philippians Chapter 1 Verse 27

·    Paul says, citizens of heaven, this is their culture, their accent, their way of life…, “stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel!” Stand fast is an oddly oxymoronic statement. It simply means to persist, something to keep on doing. And we as Christians should be persistent, resilient, diligent, deliberate to be of one spirit. What spirit? Obvious right. Each of us, all of us, look, either walking in the Spirit which we don’t always do, sometimes we are in our emotions and in the moment and I get that, but if not walking then aware of the mind of the Spirit that we might be correctable and even consolable!

·    And Paul says be persistent in being of one mind. What’s that mean? The mind of God, sure…, but more practically this means to pursue and we must be in unity. Focused on what’s important! A unified contingent is a force. A unified contingent that is focused is a powerful force! And the enemy knows it. He can get the upper hand if he can get us separated, but if we are unified and focused, man he is easily defeated!

·    I don’t know why people choose to be weak. Those that don’t seek unity in the body of Christ, those that apathetically divide, not only does the Bible call that sin, it’s just stupid. And it certainly weakens the cause and effectivity of the Body of Christ!

·    None of us are the same. None of us have the same likes. None of us have exactly the same styles. None of us do right by any or all of us all of the time. But Godly people stay focused on the mission, on what’s important, and strive for unity of Spirit and mind and that, 100%, overcomes the strategies and frontal attacks of the enemy!

·    How do I know, am completely confident that’s what Paul is saying? He says, “Stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together…” He didn’t say striving against… If you are striving against a brother or sister in Christ, striving against your spouse, striving against anyone in the body of Christ, you are not only part of the enemy’s strategy and attack, you are his weapon. We are to lock arms, shoulder to shoulder, and strive together against our common enemy… And that strengthens the Body of Christ… Furthers the cause of the church and activates all that the church is supposed to be for the kingdom, the community, and individually!

Philippians Chapter 1 Verse 28

·    What does “terrified of your enemies” look like in a Christian life? Strife at church. Stirring up division. Arguments in the home. Broken relationships. Sad spouses. Pitiful children. Broken careers. Compromised ministries and lost or lack of dreams and goals. The world looks at us and sees tragedy at the mercy of the flesh and it says, “Glad I’m not like them, glad I’m not a Christian…”

·    But when we are standing fast, persistent, consistent, resilient and diligent and it lasts more than a week a month a year to the point where it’s obvious its not just genuine but even something beyond human ability (because that’s how God rewards faithfulness) then it causes them to question their own inconsistencies and what they are hoping in themselves!

·    When we live a life in reaction to the things of the flesh, we inevitably and inadvertently harm our witness and ourselves! I was walking into work on Thursday morning and I go in early and I park nearest to the door of my office. I walk past a field of sorts towards the entrance to the building and its always early so there are typically a bunch of bunnies. One this week freaks out scared that I’m getting closer to it and it takes off running, just reacting…, just doing something because it thinks its in danger! The stupid thing though ran right towards me! HA! I was like, “what are you doing?” And at the last minute it just darts another way! Don’t be a silly rabbit, church…, tricks are for children. And that is what division is…, it’s a reactionary result, of someone reacting in the flesh and it’s a trick of the enemy!

Philippians Chapter 1 Verses 29 - 30

·    And here’s where the snowflakes melt, man. When serving the Lord and doing what is right to prop up the power of the Kingdom of God gets personally expensive… Let me let you in on a secret of life. Suffering brings joy. Without suffering there is no opportunity for joy to take root in a heart. It’s just the way it is…

·    If you are unwilling to suffer for anything then nothing truly will be important to you. Why are so many depressed and discouraged and so very sad with really nothing to look forward to or celebrate internally? Because the spirit of entitlement and unalienable human rights is our way of life. When hard work, long suffering and personal discipline is the design within each one of us for not only satisfaction with life but with self.

·    How do you pick your head up out of discouragement and find joy in each day? By being willing to be inconvenienced, and even willing to suffer for the cause of personal profit, purpose and power YESTERDAY! Paul says it this way, for “His sake!” Its so easy to see in any life by your reactions, decisions, situations and mostly your citizenship…, your flavor and life conversation, what is most important to you… Your sake or His sake… And as long as it stays your sake, you’re going to be depressed, deflated, agitated in the spirit and at least partially incompetent in managing your own life…

·    And Paul says the Christian, the Christian is at some sort of advantage here. Why? Because you have the Spirit of the King of kings in you… And through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, you have been granted not only eternal life but everlasting life…

·    Those rivers are in you and they are in me and Paul puts on display and he’s trying so hard to explain to us and to give to us that those rivers don’t flow unless we are willing to put in some strive towards the Kingdom and some suffering towards righteousness! To flip a decision switch that Jesus’ sake promotes to most important in our lives, and oddly, other-worldly, that’s when we find and meet and achieve our God designed potential…

More from Philippians

Philippians 4 vs 8-23

December 3, 2023 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • Philippians 4:8–23

Philippians Chapter 4 Verses 8 – 9 ·    This is truly so helpful. In whatever situation, person, relationship, in whatever whatever, it helps a ton to just stop for a moment and consider the good. We, (maybe this is just me), have a tendency to really focus on the issue, the problem, the negative and it leads me into the flesh, every time! ·    Paul’s dealing with a specific problem there in the church of Philippi, but this instruction is universal. What about the thing, the situation, the job, the spouse, the person, what about them is true in the eyes of God? They are beloved. God has a plan for them. There is a purpose there. God will bless if I honor Him in it… All of these things are true. Not personal truth. Personal truth is fickle and false. What is true that cannot ever be untrue. Meditate for a moment on that statement and meditate on that sort of truth! ·    And by meditate Paul doesn’t mean light the incense, dim the lamp and levitate! HA! The word actually means weigh these things, let these things have the weight. It’s an accounting term… ·    What about the thing, the situation, the job, the spouse, the person, what about them is noble? Might be hard to think of something about some folks but this is supposed to be hard. If it were easy, well, we’d just see the problem! That’s easy! But most times hard and narrow is the path that leads to life! A good friend of mine once told me that 90% of life is effort and the rest is ability. And it’s definitely true that hard work beats talent all day and twice on Sunday!!! “There’s nothing noble about it or them!” Not true. I’m just being a baby about it… ·    Choosing the easy path of how I naturally look out for myself, serve myself, convince myself I am good and others aren’t as good, that is what leads me into all of the situations and mental moments that honestly do me no good! ·    What about it or them is just? We give ourselves such grace and we deal with our own ridiculousness with such patience, how unjust it is to exact a supremely higher standard on others?! Oh, and the grace and mercy we are given brand new each day from the Lord, how unjust it is to take that happily from the Lord and then refuse to give it out ourselves!? ·    What about it or them is pure, lovely, goodly reportable, if there is any virtue, (and there always is), if there is anything able to be encouraged or praised (and there always is), commit, practice, perform and do that and now you’re voluntarily and loyally hanging out with God! Because when Paul says God will be with you what He means is you will be with Him. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t change. He doesn’t change direction or position…, we do! ·    And this is truly helpful! Let’s get physical for a moment. Talk about what the world says about these things which is dangerous, let me tell you, the wisdom of the world is suspect always! I saw a Smart Car the other day with a tow hitch! SUSPECT! What are you towing? A powerwheel!? HA!!! ·    Folks that are able to do these things, according to the Mayo Clinic have increased life span, lower rates of depression, lower levels of distress, greater resistance to illnesses, better psychological well-being and better bodies! Hey! Wanna be buff, be beneficial to the thing, the situation, the job, the spouse, the person, the relationship! Thanks GOD! ·    And let me tell you, let’s flip the coin here, Christians, those of us that are citizens of Heaven and filled with the Holy Spirit of God, these things should just be how we are! These things should be what we leave on the hearts of the thing, the situation, the job, the spouse, the person, the relationship! These things should follow us around, be the aftertaste of us being there and the legacy once we are long gone. That dude, that gal was true. She is noble. He is just. Lovely, praiseworthy, he is just a, she is just a good person. Made me feel good… ·    Part of my job and part of your job as a Christian is to make it easy on other Christians to be Christian. So, Paul says, do this because God does this for you and if you do, you will be near to God and being near to God benefits you in multiplied millions of ways!!! Philippians Chapter 4 Verses 10 – 13 ·    Interesting, Paul would take collections for the churches but it would appear that he did not take collections for himself (as this church was the only church that markedly supported him). Paul worked as a tent maker to support himself in ministry. And this statement in verse 10 is quite convicting for the modern church because we now have plenty of opportunity but lack care… ·    Paul said, “I have learned to be content.” Being content is not natural to mankind. It’s interesting, I’ve never heard of a class, seminar or need to teach people how to complain! HA! But contentment, that’s a whole different equation. Paul sits in some sort of Roman imprisonment, under the heavy hand of an egomaniac emperor, and he writes a letter to encourage others, a letter to help and serve others, a thank you letter, a letter on joy… ·    Being content and being happy are not necessarily the same things. Many secular experts have even concluded that humans are horrible at being happy! HA! We always find ways to interrupt our own gladness and mess things up… But being content is something different, and there is a work of grace and sanctification that is part of the Christian life that automatically, if God is trusted, will teach contentment… Let me explain… ·    Being content with your life means that you’re satisfied with what you have and who you are. Instead of comparing yourself to others or wishing you had what they have or a different life, you are living a life yourself that you can stand behind. You have learned what is right and what is good and committed to that code and over time, whether prosperity or problems arise, this is the way it should and must be because you have trusted the Lord, you have taken the path the Lord has led, you have made decisions based on the Word of God and not the world of man… ·    And even though (fill in the blank), who else could I be? Who else would I want to be? What else could or should I have done…? And a peace enters. ·    And Paul shatters the mold of suppressed capability that complaining sets every human being in with this revelation that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. That doesn’t mean he can fly or he can breathe under water, that’s not the all things… It means that whatever he faces next, he does so with poise, purpose, confidence and strength… Because he is who he is not by any other means but by the grace of God! Philippians Chapter 4 Verses 14 – 17 ·    That’s an interesting statement and not one that is explained well in scripture, perhaps, but not too well, that as we serve and give and minister, these things are credited to our account. I have my own ideas and I’m fully aware of the rewards of crowns spoken of in the scriptures once we are with the King, but those that are ministering gracious giving Christians in this life are richly rewarded…, and there yet remains a reward for you also in heaven… Philippians Chapter 4 Verses 18 – 19 ·    There is it…, there’s the earthly accounting if you will…. Philippians Chapter 4 Verses 20 – 23 ·    Our new brethren, the Romans guards that are assigned to me, those that are with me here in chains, the other inmates, they greet you, church. Such a cool statement. And he wraps up this book with the best way to wrap up a teaching, an interaction, a day, a life…, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all…! All problems fixed, all hope restored, all strength renewed…, anything sidelined by the flesh or the enemy’s strategies, back on the field. Go forward in the grace of Jesus Christ! 

Philippians 4 vs 1-7

November 19, 2023 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • Philippians 4:1–7

Philippians Chapter 4 Verses 1 – 3 ·    Why stand fast today in the Lord? Because of verses 20 and 21 of the previous chapter. We are citizens of heaven and there is coming a day where we will be translated unto eternal life! So today, no matter what we are facing, stand fast, and what’s that mean? Do what is right? Maybe. It means stay in lock-step, in alliance, in coalition with the Lord! ·    We have a choice today. A personal decision that we won’t have in the next part of our lives. On this side of eternity, we can choose to trust the Lord but when we are with Him, that choice won’t matter anymore, it won’t even be there anymore, because sin and the flesh will be gone. And will it not be such an amazing bond to talk to Jesus in that day and hear Him say, “Remember when you didn’t have to honor and connect and love Me and you did…? AND it made you have to stand fast!? It caused you a level of earthly suffering? Remember that? Yea, that blessed Me!” Won’t that be amazing to hear?! ·    And Paul finally gets to the issue that was harming the church there in Philippi. Syntyche and Euodia were somehow against each other, dishonoring the Lord and the Body of Christ. And so, check this out, Paul Tweets them by NAME! Wouldn’t fly today folks. HA! So many would condemn this kind of defamation. I tell you what, I would NOT! ·    And we get one more piece of info here about them…, not only are they members of the church there in Philippi, it would appear they were in leadership! Paul said they labored alongside him in the Gospel! Surprised that leaders in the faith can be childish, HA!!!! ·    So, what’s the correction to them? Well, really chapters 1-3. The fact that they are harming the purity and unity of the church means that they are air-balling chapters 1-3 and serving themselves. That’s the impact of finally getting to this in chapter 4 and you just can’t get away from that! You’re not sinning against the Lord and against that person that you continually gossip about and avoid and refuse to serve in and with humility because of what they’ve done. You’re doing it because you have turned a blind eye to the reality of grace, your own forgiveness, the blood of Jesus, the cross of Christ and the Kingdom to come! ·    So, Paul says fix it! How? Counseling and reconciliation and working it out…., NOT. AT. ALL. That takes too long. Why do we pray for miraculous healing when we are sick but when we are the disease, we are fully fine with a long drawn out treatment of medication!? Get my drift? Paul says, “Be of the same mind…,” here’s the key, “in the Lord.” Don’t reconcile your differences, BE DIFFERENT, but prioritize Jesus over self. ALL relational problems SOLVED right there!! Both folks doing it by the way…. Philippians Chapter 4 Verses 4 – 5 ·    Paul says be a person that puts off the vibe of rejoicing in the Lord always! Why? Euodia stinks! I mean even her name makes me cringe, Eweee-odia! Ha! And Syntyche is full of sin, so she’s so…, touchy! HA! UGHHHH. BUT, Paul says rejoice in the Lord always! He commands, in the Lord, that the extent of our possibility of gentleness be experienced by everyone, friend or foe. Why? Because your names, her name and yours, both are written in the Book of Life! ·    This is the only place in all of scripture that the “Book of Life” is mentioned (by name) outside of Revelation. Revelation 20:12, “And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.” ·    What are these books? The first set of books is most likely the Book of the Covenant or otherwise known as the Book of the Law. According to Deuteronomy 31:26, the Book of the Law was put beside (and this is interesting) the ark of the covenant, that it may be there as a witness against the people… And John sees what he calls “another book, which is the Book of Life, or the Lamb’s Book of Life…” ·    What’s that? That is the purity of the Tree of Life of the original creation restored through the Lamb slain for the sins of the world. And every name that has ever existed is in this book because Jesus died for the sins of the entire world. And yet the Bible speaks about names being blotted out of this book, those that reject the Lamb… Revelation 20:15 says, “And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” ·    The fact that my name, your name, the names of these ladies that seemingly hate each other, the fact that all of these names are recorded for eternal life through the blood of Jesus (and that’s it) is a source of rejoicing for them, for me, for us! That my sins are forgiven and forgotten and all that matters is that your name is found in Jesus’ book, written in His blood and if you have accepted Him as your Savior…, based on nothing else at all, it is!! ·    Rejoice and let your gentleness be known to all men. A sad soul is no witness for eternal life…, and a critical, mean, ungentle soul is no witness for your name being written in the Book of Life! You’re on the naughty list, homie!!! ·    Ok, so in light of ALL That…. Philippians Chapter 3 Verses 6 – 7 ·    The formula for peace in the soul/spirit. Check this out. Whatever it is you are facing, dealing with, anxious about, unsettled about, what’s one of the hardest things to do? Stop thinking about it and start praying about it! That can be so hard! But God gives an amazing promise… ·    First, you transition from perplexity to prayer! And supplication really means that your move from solving the problem by your own means to leaning on Lord for His solution! But, here’s the code, bring into your heart not only the problem you are facing but also the blessings you have received. And trust in the Father’s solution for you. If you trust Him, then whatever it is that comes, gratitude is there as well. That causes hope to light up like a torch! I’ve heard it said this way. Be anxious about nothing, but pray about everything, and be grateful for anything… ·    Spend time talking with the Lord about it and the promise of God is that His peace will flow…, not peace like the world gives but peace that may not even make sense but makes you able to face the next step, then the next, then the next… Surpassing all understanding means that there’s no way I can explain it, you just have to experience it! ·    And man, let me tell you, I want God guarding my heart and not me… All through my connection, bond, relationship and trust in Christ Jesus! He’s the key! And today is the only day I have, this part of my eternal life is all that I have, this side of eternity, to honor Him and to walk by faith!  

Philippians 3 vs 17-21

November 12, 2023 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • Philippians 3:17–21

Philippians Chapter 3 Verse 17  Paul puts himself out there with this statement and essentially volunteers himself as an example that others should be wise enough to follow. Can you say that!? Doesn’t that invite criticism? Invite close investigation? You may hear these words of Paul and think, “Well, Paul is a bit full of himself, isn’t he?” Actually, no! When someone says something like, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ,” which Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:1, the response is typically either curiosity or condemnation, why?  Would you say the same? Honestly. Would you today be willing to honestly assess your maturity, wisdom and discipline and readily step forward and say, “Yep, brethren, join in following my example!” The unfortunate truth is that most would not be able or willing to do that. Why? Defects in maturity, explicit lack of wisdom and obvious issues with discipline. Stir that recipe up with just a pinch of humility and you get resignation…  So, anyone else…, anyone else, steps forward and says, “Brethren, join in following my example,” and the natural response is condemnation. It was Mark Twain who once said, “Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.” From the vantage point that we have discussed, makes total sense.  AND, there is however still another response that Paul receives from this statement and that is one of curiosity. Hmmm, this man is putting himself out there. Inviting close investigation…, can I do that? Would I do that? Maybe…, how is it that he is doing that?  Curiosity peaks. Why? Well, you KNOW that in you and in every human, there are defects in maturity, explicit lack of wisdom and obvious issues with discipline…, just as Paul knew this about himself. He writes in Romans 7:15, “For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do…” He says in Romans 7:24, “O wretched man that I am!”  Stir that recipe up with a TON of humility and a heaping tablespoon of worship…, and you get engagement and even a sense of responsibility… What’s it take for a person to honestly say and be willing to be a Godly example? Humility… Surrender to Jesus. Dependance upon the grace of God and the righteousness of the blood of the Savior. Why do so many condemn and sing the cultural chorus of “Don’t judge me!?” A huge problem in the church in terms of humility, surrender to Jesus and dependance/gratitude towards the grace of God…  Who is your example in the faith that you are curiously watching, learning from, following? Who in the faith are you openly and knowingly an example of Christ-likeness towards? The hard truth is that as citizens of heaven, we should have and be both…, as Paul gives the command here for the brethren, for us, to “note those who so walk,” and that is the pattern for the faith. Interesting and certainly concerning how far we have strayed since the time of the Paul…. Philippians Chapter 3 Verse 18  You need to understand here that in context Paul is talking about the church! The Body of Christ. Believers! He’s writing this letter and the theme is joy, for sure, but the concern of this letter is correction to the church there in Philippi as there were members who were hurting each other! When one part of the body hurts another part of the body on its own, in the realm of the physical we call that a disease! And Paul says here that even in the church you will find those that, and these are STRONG words, alarming words, those that are, “enemies of the cross of Christ!”  This is wild because Paul is saying things that won’t fly in the easily offended model of Christianity today. Paul called out members of the church by name in 2 Tim 4:14, “Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm. May the Lord repay him according to his works.” That’s a prayer! We hear, “love the sinner but hate the sin…” Okay, where is that in the Bible? That specific line? At least one element of someone’s sin is their free will… Would Paul agree with that line? We need to wake up! Grace is not a free ticket to hurt people! Paul says in the church, there can be enemies of the cross of Christ!!  Not enemies of Christ… Pay attention! Enemies of the CROSS! What does that mean? Jesus showed forth the character of God and the goodness of God and the purity of His power when He went to the cross for not only his friends but also His enemies! “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do!” And He was willing to be broken so that others could be made well.  Jesus would say before those events in Matthew 16:24, “Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” And the crazy thing is that the next statement of Jesus reveals that this mindset is the best, most powerful, purposeful, joyful life…, like it’s the key to being awesome inside and out, and He says this in the very next sentence….  Matthew 16:25, “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it…,” what’s that mean? Someone who does not take up his own cross is someone trying to save his own life! “But whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” What’s that mean? Become like Christ and find the life that was and is hidden in Him!  No wonder so many in the faith are serve-me, cater-to-me, consumers and critics rather than encouragers, servants and situational saviors! Paul calls that mentality in the faith, in the church, “enemies of the cross of Christ!” Disease! There is a part of me that is that! And I know it! And by prayer and discipline and opening my heart and mind and lifestyle, thinking, decisions, reactions, subordination to God daily…, I’m working on it! Are you!? We all should be because to an extent…, this is every one of us! Some 99% unfortunately, some 5%..., this is not binary…, this is prevalent!  So, what’s this look like practically? And the fact that Paul goes into this next section means that we ought to “note those who so walk.” He gives us the problem first, the enemies of the cross of Christ, and then he gives us the citizens of heaven…. Philippians Chapter 3 Verse 19  Check this out. One thing in business strategy or even process improvement is to start with the end in mind. Cast a vision and gain the commitment of the stakeholders… Paul says here that for those that have this humility issue and/or when I have this humility issue, the end of it, what it leads me to, (and I’m talking about immediately), is destruction. The word in the Greek means waste not like garbage but in the sense of having something valuable but getting nothing for it. Like wasting money! That’s the context…  Paul says, “whose god is their belly,” which means they are driven by worldly, bodily, carnal appetite and “whose glory is in their shame.” That means the things they say and even do that they think are good and honorable, others and especially the Holy Spirit is like, ewwww. And remember, this is in the church!  Here’s an example that I’ve encountered countless times over the years. Someone serves in the church in some capacity. Let’s say, for example purposes, the parking lot ministry (since we don’t have that so no one will get bent out of shape!). Someone will say to me, “Oh it was so great to serve in the parking lot ministry this month. It was a blessed 6 hours!” And everyone that hears it rolls their spiritual eyes…  The person saying it is boasting, talking about how much they’ve done, how great they are, while all of the hearers, ALL of them including the Holy Spirit, are like, “You serious, Clarke?!” Their personal glory is indeed a source of shame for them in the body…, and they don’t even know it… So, what’s their reward for serving those 6 hours? That single moment and statement and that’s it… It all just got wasted….  “Who set their mind,” like a clock, “on earthly things….” Philippians Chapter 3 Verses 20 – 21  What a Christian really is, what we should set our mental and spiritual and soulful clocks to, is that we are citizens of heaven! We are eager, active, aware and watching for the soon return of the Lord, and/or keenly aware of our own mortality…, and we are soft clay in the hand of the Perfect Potter who has the authority and jurisdiction and Lordship to boss us around, transforming us bit by bit into His glorious plan for each of us!  It’s like we are here on passport. If you want to go to any other country, you’ll need a passport. And a passport declares your citizenship. A citizen of the US can either be born here or be naturalized, (become a citizen through a process). One of the statements/vows/oaths required to be repeated by anyone becoming a citizen is, “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”  As a citizen of heaven, you and I are to leave behind and renounce all allegiance and fidelity to the threefold enemy of the cross of Christ which is the devil, the world, and the flesh… And as a citizen of heaven, we are to now uphold the laws of heaven…  How much of me…, how much of you are even unknowingly and enemy of the cross of Christ, acting outside the laws of the Kingdom for which I am a citizen!!?