
Galatians 1 vs 6-10

Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek

September 1, 2024 • Pastor Matt Korniotes • Galatians 1:6–10

Galatians Chapter 1 Verses 6 – 7

·    Do you sense the calling, or maybe you’ve never even heard or considered this, that the grace of Christ is not only a gift extended to us by God in Christ, it’s not only an offering…, that God so loved the world that He sent all that He ever had, that anyone who would believe in Him would escape death, (the power and prize of sin), and have everlasting life…, its not just available to you and to me but God is literally calling me to His grace?

·    That is what Paul says here. “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in (or into) the grace of Christ.” Grace isn’t just a crutch, because man it is! Grace isn’t just a safety net in life and in death, because man it is! (I’m not afraid or ashamed to say those things!) Grace isn’t just the open arms of the Father through the blood of Jesus…, it’s God’s desire and demand on me. To enter into His grace.

·    This is the gospel, the good news of reality! That in me is found not just imperfection. Not just a miss of perfection. But in me is intense darkness. Selfishness. Self-protection. Self-focus. And from that flows fear, anxiety, envy, anger, jealousy…, all that! But God calls me to His grace. Apart from works. What will the works of my dark hands gain me in the light of God’s perfection!? There is no other gospel. No other way. No other salvation and no other name under heaven by which we must be saved…

·    And so, Paul says here that the issue is that they and the majority of all of us have turned away from the calling of the Father which is strictly salvation and relationship by grace…, to a different gospel…, but the only problem is…, there is no other gospel.

·    In verse 6, the word for “different” is “heteros” where we get our word, “heterogeneous,” meaning OPPOSITE! (Let me summon forth my internal Paula Abdoul!) The word literally means “contrasting!” Totally different and yet he then says, “which is not another” at all! And that word is “allos,” meaning not to be classified as similar at all!

·    But there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. Grace is messy, it’s consistent, its condition is only upon the blood of Christ, and the minute it is withheld by what I do or do not do, it is no longer grace. Some who want to trouble you… When you mess up at work, you’re in trouble with the boss. If you mess up in life, you can be in trouble with the law. When are you in trouble with God? Only before you have received Jesus Christ!

·    Oh man I do hope none of us get this wrong, what I’m saying. Once you are saved, and the Holy Spirit is within you, when you mess up no you’re not in trouble with God but man you are in trouble with yourself! Why? Because you KNOW you are turning your back on the most important Person in your life. Grieving the Holy Spirit within you and so conviction sets in and correction comes through cooperation with the Holy Spirit… But trouble because you didn’t do this act like circumcision or feasts or sabbaths or any other part of the law…, if grace is grace then that is NOT POSSIBLE!

·    That kind of works-based relationship with God is a perversion, that’s what Paul calls it here, of the true gospel. And check this out, I’m not trying to be all wordy today, but that word for “pervert” is “metastrefo,” where we get our word “metastasize” as in the spreading of a disease… Catch it quickly… Catch it early… Paul continues…

Galatians Chapter 1 Verses 8 - 9

·    It’s interesting that Paul lumps himself into that. Do you see that? “Even if WE…” I’ve known so many folks over the years that begin so well and then one day they get stuck on some sort of new fad of deconstructionism or doctrinal reform and they start teaching the Bible algorithmically. It says this but the real equation is this… And I’m like, what!? What are you doing!? The fact is that always the emphasis comes off of the gospel and gets onto some other pet project!

·    Paul says, “If I ever do that…, if I ever turn from the simplicity of the scriptural gospel, turn from ME!” Paul spoke about this writing in 1 Corinthians 4:6, “Learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other.” Because that is exactly what happens. The gospel unites. All other pet doctrines divide. You have to WORK to remain in unity when if we all simply focus on Jesus and His mission…., God unites us all!

·    And Paul says, “Or an angel from heaven…” WHOA! Do you know who are angels from heaven? DEMONS! And check this out, they are Transformers!!! Decepticons!! 2 Corinthians 11:14 says this of the chief of demons…, “Satan himself transforms himself into an ANGEL of light!!”

·    Ok, just a few. Where did the Book of Mormon come from? According to the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, “Joseph Smith was visited by an angel named Moroni, a visit that revealed the existence of gold plates that became the Book of Mormon.”

·    How did the Seventh Day Adventists get their start? Ellen G. White received visions of angels resulting in interpretations of The Book of Revelation which began the entire movement. While isolating in the Cave of Hira, The Quaran (or the beginnings of it) was given to Muhammad purportedly by the angel Gabriel. Ok, why are these different than the revelation of Christianity? Hebrews 1:1-2, “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds!” AND 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (not angels), and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness!”

·    Paul says any other gospel, any other way, anything that departs from the Word of God, let him be accursed. In other words, let him be sent to hell. DANG! At the very least, rebuke them and at the very most presently, this word in the Greek means, bring woe upon them. Sheesh. Paul is serious about this!? Why? Because God is serious about seeing people saved!

·    Seeing people loved. Seeing people healed. Seeing people set free. Seeing people find their purpose. Unlock their capacity. Breathe without the humidity of false humility! And ultimately false gospels lead people to the wide and easy path, removing them from the presence of God now and forever. People must be saved. They must be loved. They must be cared for. They must be told what the enemy works day and night to hide from them!

·    And we have fallen completely down in this in these last days because of our fear of offending, fear of people leaving, or fear of opposition and yet God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind! We live for the worship of God, not man…

Galatians Chapter 1 Verse 10

·    I want to please my fellow man. Of course I do! And yet ultimately it will show in where I set my affections, attention, purpose and message…, ultimately, I’ll find out if I’m in this to serve God or not…

·    And get this, there cannot be a mind towards both… This is made clear in this scripture. Paul says he’s not even speaking first to man, he is speaking first to God. And if he is 1% mindful of pleasing people then he is no longer a bondservant of Christ! He has let go of something failing and changing and without value and taken up something that is eternally secure and steadfast! Just like GRACE!!

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