
Putting Feet to Your Faith Joshua 1:1-18

Joshual 1:1-18

April 10, 2024 • Pastor Keith Gardner • Joshua 1

The first five books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch all written by Moses, the book of Joshua is the first of the twelve historical books, and the title of the book is named after its central figure the chosen successor of Moses > “Joshua”- whose name in the Hebrew was Hoshea meaning salvation, but Moses changed it to Yehoshua -Yahweh is Salvation. The book of Joshua is a bridge between the books of Moses as they traveled out of the land of Egypt, and the history of Israel as they entered into the Promised land of Canaan. he was charged with the task of leading Israel into the Promised Land, and drive out the Canaanites, all the while claiming the territory that God had