
Yellow Light Issues (7/8/18)

Two Questions for Yellow Light Issues

July 8, 2018 • Pastor Chad Gilligan

Drinking, Gambling, Immigration, Gun Control. What do we do when when there's no definitive right or wrong answer? How does the Bible respond to these controversial trending topics? On Sunday, July 8, 2018, Pastor Chad takes a look at our responsibility as believers when we face the "Yellow Light Issues."

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GPS: Holiness (7/22/18)

July 22, 2018 • Pastor Chad Gilligan

Holiness is more than an outdated, antiquated notion forgotten by today's society. It's a way of life for believers. We are called to so much more because we are chosen and set apart by Someone Who is so much more. In a world of ever changing trending topics, how do we live a consistently holy life? On Sunday, July 22, 2018, Pastor Chad Gilligan considers what it means to be holy.

Sex in the Scriptures (7/15/18)

July 15, 2018 • Pastor Chad Gilligan

It's everywhere we look--on our TV, in magazines, on our News Feed. We live in an overly-charged sexual world where anything goes and culture defines the norms. But what does the Bible say about sex? The answer may surprise you. On Sunday, July 5, 2018, Pastor Chad Gilligan continues his sermon series, #Trending, and takes a look at what the scriptures say about human sexuality.

GPS: God and Idols (7/1/18)

July 1, 2018 • Pastor Chad Gilligan

Even with best things life has to offer, too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. When we place our career, family, finances, or calling above God, these idols in our life will eventually become our downfall. On Sunday, July 1, 2018, Pastor Chad Gilligan speaks on modern idols that we all struggle with in today's world.