
From Chaos to Character

Hasta La Vista, Crete!

November 5, 2023 • Titus 3:12–15

We've come to the end of our series in the book of Titus and it's now time to say good bye. Join us for this farewell message to the people of Crete as we reflect on what we have learned as we've moved through the book. Join us in person each Sunday at 10:00 am at 2458 St Frances Drive. The digital bulletin can be found here: https://calvaryburlington.ca/bulletin If you are interested in learning more about Calvary, want to connect with us, or interested in learning more, visit https://calvaryburlington.ca/connect-card To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world with the Gospel of Jesus, click here: https://calvaryburlington.ca/give

Divisive People Got to Go!

October 29, 2023 • Pastor Aaron Groat

In a world filled with division and strife, it's more important than ever to understand what the Bible says about unity, peace, and the role of divisive individuals within our faith communities. Join us as we delve into the powerful message found in Titus 3:9-11 and discover how to navigate and address divisive influences in our lives and communities.

Holy Living Because of Jesus' Mercy

October 22, 2023 • Pastor Aaron Groat • Titus 3:1–8

In this uplifting message, we dive deep into the heart of Titus 3:1-8, exploring the profound connection between holy living and the boundless mercy of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Join us as we uncover the transformative power of God's grace and its impact on our daily lives. Discover how, through His mercy, we are not only saved but empowered to live lives that reflect His love, kindness, and righteousness. In a world often filled with chaos, confusion, and discord, this sermon serves as a guiding light, reminding us that as followers of Christ, we are called to be beacons of His mercy and agents of positive change in our communities.

God's Grace and Jesus' Example

October 15, 2023

Do you ever wonder how you can live a life that truly reflects God's grace and love? Join us this Sunday as we dive deep into Titus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on7xi-t-0ea&t=131s–15 to uncover the incredible connection between God's grace and Jesus' example! In this powerful passage, we'll explore how God's grace isn't just a theoretical concept but a life-transforming force that can shape our character and actions. It's not about trying harder, but about drawing closer to the source of grace itself. Discover how Jesus, the ultimate example of grace and love, walked this earth, leaving us a roadmap to follow. We'll explore how His life, death, and resurrection provide us with the ultimate inspiration for living a life filled with purpose and impact. Join us this Sunday, and be prepared to be inspired, encouraged, and empowered as we unlock the secrets to living a life that truly reflects God's grace and follows in the footsteps of Jesus. Get ready to embrace a life of hope, character, and transformation! Join us in person each Sunday at 10:00 am at 2458 St Frances Drive. The digital bulletin can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqbwq2zhfksmlwcmv3wjbydffia3v5vgrjz2joz3xbq3jtc0ttt3llrmxdchr4eljknufmr3jceerwqwwtytbeedlabw9yymdryvznrwf2ell4cem0oddhy19yqtvfztngnvpjmlbuaxviugvmlxbra25kzkvlsefesnflsffbymjreurabm1frjnvmy1bbnvzag9euq&q=https%3a%2f%2fcalvaryburlington.ca%2fbulletin&v=rkvjodqhxbi If you are interested in learning more about Calvary, want to connect with us, or interested in learning more, visit https://calvaryburlington.ca/connect-card To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world with the Gospel of Jesus, click here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqbldvuflcr3hhclzbn3njrvjgmezqu1fheuvuqxxbq3jtc0tsa19uzvl2zhffqzjibjzgwklawvvkt3p1vhhcaxbwujhqbdkwexrxnezmclftewxrzg1cs3dymmk5vnhkyznnakxyns1rtwzlmg4wukjwvwdwvektymq1rhpkazc0dkrhdtm1d1zpshq5lvr2bvjqsq&q=https%3a%2f%2fcalvaryburlington.ca%2fgive&v=rkvjodqhxbi

Generations Working Together (Titus 2:1-10)

October 8, 2023

In Titus 2, the Apostle Paul paints a beautiful picture of how different generations within the church can unite, learn from one another, and shine brightly as a beacon of God's love. In a world often marked by division and generational gaps, this passage reveals the secret to a vibrant, thriving church community. It's a message that transcends time and cultural boundaries, offering hope and practical guidance for our lives today. We'll uncover practical insights on living out our faith daily, fostering unity, and extending grace to one another. Join us in person each Sunday at 10:00 am at 2458 St Frances Drive. The digital bulletin can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqbmrvuw9iov83vgrhztzkvmhiexozv1vmc2rkqxxbq3jtc0trt1fizgnxrzlfvzfpwuhuuwuwwg11mzc4xzzdewrwalngy09pvvbiy3i0njbmrxnutwnladdtughsuxmtb2rial9sowi1otdlcni2dxdxrkr3t1nkcxctnku5me9snzh0y2lomtnwt21luw10n1rqqq&q=https%3a%2f%2fcalvaryburlington.ca%2fbulletin&v=ggttvcuuij4 If you are interested in learning more about Calvary, want to connect with us, or interested in learning more, visit https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqbdlnvtnomu9tvw1wmhz1mxhlmfy1rwvhagpxuxxbq3jtc0tuewrhvfjqrutwbxv5nvvjntiyqm83x2ddwnvdmkxlu1u3egtkqk9wv0tkn3y5u1vbu2l5ztzenw1rv1lbt0nsctlrcekzqtvcouzlzwv5wlk3lvexbvvmlwtwctnvetj1cutvvtnltje5rhjrzv8zna&q=https%3a%2f%2fcalvaryburlington.ca%2fconnect-card&v=ggttvcuuij4 To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world with the Gospel of Jesus, click here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=quffluhqbhz1enbgwnhzqndeazfxtgk1u0exs2xqlucxd3xbq3jtc0trnxl6uxy4mmuyq2jvrm8yalk3s3fbshezr2ztnnp3amp0ullpdwtlaeg0cu0xsmdoy3i1ukjzs2vlcjnpy1jxak5zby1jsgxodtztq3vgu0i2u3rnyxljawq1vhvoqxjyrnl1utjeunhkumjtsejzma&q=https%3a%2f%2fcalvaryburlington.ca%2fgive&v=ggttvcuuij4

Confronting Masked Christians

October 1, 2023 • Pastor Aaron Groat • Titus 1:10–16

Join us this Sunday as we dive into Titus 1:10-16, where the apostle Paul confronts a pressing issue that's just as relevant today: hypocrisy within the church. In this powerful passage, Paul exposes those who claim to follow Christ but hide behind a facade of faith. We'll explore how their deceptive ways can hinder the growth of our faith community and prevent us from truly experiencing the transformative power of God's Word. Join us as we unmask the hidden struggles of hypocrisy and learn how to live authentic, Christ-centered lives. Discover the keys to genuine faith, sincere worship, and a life that reflects the love and saving grace of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Join us in person each Sunday at 10:00 am at 2458 St Frances Drive. The digital bulletin can be found here: https://calvaryburlington.ca/bulletin If you are interested in learning more about Calvary, want to connect with us, or interested in learning more, visit https://calvaryburlington.ca/connect-card To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world with the Gospel of Jesus, click here: https://calvaryburlington.ca/give

Why Leadership Matters (Titus 1:5–9)

September 24, 2023 • Pastor Aaron Groat • Titus 1:5–9

Do you ever wonder why leadership is a cornerstone in our journey of faith? Join us this Sunday as we uncover the profound wisdom found in Titus 1:5-9! In these verses, the Apostle Paul, writing to Titus, reveals the critical role of leadership in shaping the character of a community. We'll explore how leadership is not just a title but a divine responsibility entrusted to individuals who are rooted in faith, committed to righteousness, and filled with the Spirit of God. We'll delve into the qualities that define exemplary leadership and how they serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for us all.

A Greeting from a Friend

September 10, 2023 • Pastor Aaron Groat • Titus 1:1–4

Our fall series begins Sunday, September 10. We'll be walking through the book of Titus in the series "From Chaos to Character." In this book, the apostle Paul writes to his trusted companion, Titus, who is working to establish a strong Christian community on the island of Crete. Paul emphasizes that through God's grace, we can move from a chaotic, sinful life to a life marked by character and virtue.