
Custom Bible Reading

As we work through the book of Colossians as a church, we have put together a custom Bible reading plan for you to follow. It's designed to daily give you a short passage in Colossians plus a few selected passages in the Old and New Testament. Beginning on Sunday, January 13 this Bible reading plan will be available daily in the "Bible" tab of the Calvary App, and is available here in full in PDF form. Each Saturday we have scheduled a catch up day, a day where you can read any passages you have missed, or to go deeper with the material you have already studied. We've also included a link for you to download some Colossians lock screens for your phone. If you'd like one resized for your iPad or tablet, please let us know. We'd encourage you to read the passages thoughtfully and prayerfully. Consider these things: Keep a journal or make notes in the margin of your Bible. Re-write the passage in your own words. Ask "Who - What - When - Where - Why - How" questions of the passage. Think about the "Big Idea" of the passage, and write it down. This will give you a map through Colossians. Personalize the meaning: Ask: "How could my life be different today as I respond to what I'm reading?"