
Ruth 3:1-18

Ruth, The Threshing Floor, and the Leap of Faith

March 21, 2021 • Dr. Peter Radford

In chapter 3, Naomi directs Ruth to take a huge leap of faith. She sends Ruth, a Moabite widow, to the threshing floor to propose marriage to a wealthy landowner. What could go wrong?  That is part of the message from this text. So much could have gone wrong with this leap of faith:

• Ruth’s leap was risky because it pushed against social norms.

• Ruth’s leap was risky because her request may have been rejected.

• Ruth’s leap was risky because it could have been misinterpreted.

But it all went so right…by chance, right? No, God’s fingerprints are all over this chapter. The lesson that is being driven home is that confidence in God’s Sovereignty leads to bold steps of faith.