
Esther - Chapter 3

May 9, 2021

Although we are not having our regular Life Groups this week (due to Mother’s Day), we encourage you to use these questions for personal study and reflection. More than that, we desire to see you discuss these questions with another person or group at some point during the week. Please prayerfully consider this fellowship opportunity!

Introduction: Esther chapter 3 records the incident that led to a horrific proclamation of the king to kill all the Jews. The effort to create and execute this plan was led by the evil Haman. This story teaches us two principles about facing persecution for our faith:

1. It should not surprise us when opposition rises against us for doing right.

2. When the forces of evil rise against us, the Lord is still in control.

The Big Idea of this text, coupled with 1 Peter 4, is that Christians suffer well when they trust God’s sovereign control and continue to do what is right.