This week, we debunk a second common myth about the church: The key to discovering a good church is finding one that makes you comfortable. We challenge this idea from a couple of perspectives.
• First, we look at a key purpose of the church, which to make us holy or Christ-like. We observe that this process is far from comfortable.
• We also see Paul’s warning to Timothy that the time will come when supposed Christians will gather teacher around that will tell them what they want to hear (i.e., make them comfortable).
Our study concludes with a closer examination of two of our core values: multigenerational ministry and multicultural focus. While both of these concepts lead us to be less comfortable in our church gatherings, we believe that these pursuits are good things that God intends for His people.
Myth #2
I Need a Church That Makes Me Comfortable
July 25, 2021 • Dr. Peter Radford
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Debunking Four Myths About the Church