
God's Grace Is Enough

February 12, 2023 • Pastor Nathan Batres • 2 Corinthians 12:9–10

Life has a way of throwing all kinds of trials our way. It might be disappointment, mistakes, sickness, persecution or loss, but God promises to offer us grace that is sufficient for us. When we find ourselves in weak points within our lives, we should rejoice because it is in our weakness that we find a strength in the Lord.


February 26, 2023 • Pastor Peggy Brumfield • 1 John 1:9

There is no amount of sin in our lives that can separate us from the love of God. If we are willing to confess, He is willing to forgive. We can live pure lives because God promises us forgiveness through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Repent and believe is the message we are given throughout the New Testament to experience new life in Jesus.

The Promise of Goodness

February 19, 2023 • Pastor Nathan Batres • Romans 8:28

Sometimes we are tempted to be discouraged because of what seems like wasted time, wasted opportunity or wasted potential. However, God promises us that he will use all things in our lives to work out his plans. Nothing is wasted when God is involved. Give him the good parts of your life as well as the bad and watch him do something great.

God Gives Us Rest

February 5, 2023 • Pastor Nathan Batres

It is sweet to know that when we find life to be overwhelming, God has offered a rest for us. When we find ourselves weary and burdened, sometimes it is because we have taken on a yoke or way of living that comes from the world rather than from God. Living to please others can be crushing, but finding that God is already pleased with us offers us rest.